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So, I saw this card. I read its ability. Then I read it again. Still not believing, I had to do it a third time.
I am already ordering for of this. I can't wait to mill myself to victory. If I get to play it against any of my friends' mill deck, then I'll probably explode from all the happiness.
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (9/26/2011 8:38:25 PM)


Yet another awesome reality-warping effect, endorsed by the man who made the game.
Posted By: AmericanVigor (9/27/2011 2:36:53 PM)


Grindstone + Painters servant + Laboratory maniac = Instant win. You make all cards one color with Painter's servant, this even includes all cards not in play. Then with grindstone you target yourself, since all cards now share one color you will card yourself out, and with the lab maniac, it makes it an auto win. Boss.
Posted By: Shadowstorm42 (10/2/2011 1:05:44 PM)


My EDH deck is going to have a blast with this card...

Jace's Archivist + Consecrated Sphinx... YEAAAA! :D
Posted By: dberry02 (10/4/2011 5:25:04 AM)


@Steev, think they'll be putting errata on Demonic Consultation as a result, at least in Commander? It simply states that the card must exist.

Doomsday would combo pretty well with this too, and would probably be a little bit safer.

Do multiplayer groups battle it out for second if players get themselves an early exit win with cards like this, The Cheese Stands Alone, and Barren Glory, or is this unprecedented, since there are now fewer conditions required for the win?
Posted By: Toquinha1977 (10/4/2011 12:18:04 PM)


If you didn't know, when Magic Online does beta testing, the beta testers play Limited with a slightly altered version of the latest set--the rares show up more often to facilitate testing, and cards from all the other sets are sprinkled in among the new ones. This means you can get some very interesting cards in your Innistrad Beta sealed pools.

Why yes, I did get Laboratory Maniac and Leveler in the same sealed pool. And yes, I did build my deck around the combo. And yes, I did pull it off. In sealed.

So yeah!
Posted By: mutantman (10/4/2011 6:50:14 PM)


Mask of Avacyn him, toss down a Mimic Vat, then swarm the field with copies via Phyrexian Metaorphs or Cackling Counterpart... I mean you're playing blue anyway, you should have plenty of counterspells regardless. I was missing Archive Trap in standard but... honestly, 'shuffle your graveyard into your hand' effects were just such shutdowns for so little effort on my foe's part that mil was looking dead even with, say, a turn one win when their first land's an evolving wilds and I end up with 4 traps. Multiplayer mil? Now possible. Can they prevent it? With about as much difficulty as infect can be compared to regular life damage (they can try to prevent it, but they certainly can't reverse it so well). I'm the sort who plays magic EXACTLY for those moments where 5 other people at a table are gawking in confusion as I laugh hysterically at my own psychotic antics of countering my own spells and reverberating everything within arm's reach, so just the most perfect slice of insanity...

... (see all)
Posted By: Zaneshift (10/5/2011 11:49:15 PM)


Check yo' self before ya deck yo' self!
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (10/22/2011 8:28:21 AM)


Huh, wondered where Doctor Insano got to.

Anyways, besides obviously being built as a primary win con in himself, he is also a wonderful safety net for overenthuasiastic dedge/self-mill decks when their mill engine is dragged into too long a game. Unlikely, but reassuring as a one-of at least.
Posted By: Splizer (10/25/2011 2:07:58 PM)


Just got him for a fun deck involving the infinite draw/mana combo of: Composite GolemNim DeathmantleGarruk's Packleader.

Should they not have anything to stop the combo as soon as it starts, you win.
Posted By: Voriki (11/4/2011 5:17:18 PM)


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