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Community Rating: 4.043 / 5  (46 votes)
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I think the most important aspect of this card is that it can't target your own creatures. Meaning, your opponent can't legally Redirect or Swerve it onto one of your own creatures.
Posted By: cathode01 (7/12/2011 3:28:47 PM)


@ Gandlodder : No, it's not Starke. Actually it's a mimetic rod, a remote control of sorts. Greven il-Vec had one, Volrath used it to control and torture him from a distance.
Posted By: Gamalgoth (1/18/2012 12:41:56 PM)


Greatest play with this card: So i'm playing EDH online (on ***atrice). I'm at the bottom of the screen (call me Bottom), and then there's Top and Middle guy. Middle guy plays a Blightsteel Colossus and has nothing else on the battlefield except lands and no cards in play. Top guy has already taken some poison dmg over the course of the game and he has a few cards in hand a few small creatures, but can't stop the Blightsteel from 1 hit KO-ing him, so he says to me (Bottom): "hey can you do something about that blightsteel" and I say "sure i'll get rid of it". My turn comes around and I play Spinal Embrace, taking Blightsteel Colossus, and attack Top guy. The Top guy says "dude what the heck, I thought you said you were going to get rid of it". I say "yeah he's going to die at the end of the turn and I'll gain 12 life. You asked me to get rid of it but never specified how to go about doing that. Oh and one other thing: You can make deals with me and I will follow through with t... (see all)
Posted By: a7141988 (10/4/2012 9:50:33 PM)


Anyone ever cast this on an Ink-treader nephilim? Good times.
Posted By: TPmanW (11/6/2012 9:53:48 AM)


Boring card which should have never been printed. This and other Ray of Command type of cards really kill fun in multiplayer games. 1/5 for poor design.
Posted By: AncientTimer (3/16/2013 7:35:36 AM)


Instant speed control effects are often better than their sorcery speed counterparts. Oftentimes, you can use this card to take their fatty, block and kill one of their other attackers with it, then sacrifice it (getting around indestructibility, etc.).

For many games, this card reads "{3}{U}{U}{B}: destroy target creature and target attacking creature. You gain life equal to the first creature's toughness." Which I would play any day. Of course, I mainly play EDH, where unconditional removal is king. And those times when you get a Blightsteel Colossus or a big Hamletback Goliath and someone doesn't have blockers make this worth playing over many other cards.
Posted By: Aremath (5/25/2013 8:39:14 PM)


This is one of the most rude combat tricks in the game if used defensively. Steal your opponent's fatty and use it to block a smaller creature, then their fatty dies and you gain a lot of life. Doesn't even matter that this is a 6 drop, it's only at that point they'd have something you really want to steal.
Posted By: Zebra_Lord (8/26/2013 5:10:48 PM)


Ya but Slave Of Bolas is not instant speed. No combat tricks.
Posted By: RetroGamer3 (10/21/2013 10:56:33 PM)



This is card is of Phyrexia. Don't insult them by calling this a "Dimir" card because Phyrexia would dissect half the guild, then wear that half's skin over their bodies as they mutilate the other half all because Yawgmoth didn't get his morning coffee before 7am sharp.

Also, to correct the timing of your comparison: Lazav is in this card's flavor. Your statement implies Lazav was created first, which is false in every way.
Posted By: Karkain (5/9/2014 9:04:55 PM)


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