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I like your comment. Standing up for the common man. All except for one fact: We, as players, are planeswalkers as well.

Anyway, I think this creature might be the only creature in the game that has artificer as its only creature type. I believe each other has another type defining its race. I'm wondering if it was intentional or a typo, like how that artifact creature from zendikar is missing artifact in its type line.

By the time I get this out, having 3 or 4 4/4 golems with first strike, vigilance and or regenerate is rather formidable. Suddenly, you have an outstanding offense and defense at the same time.
Posted By: OpeeFomenom (5/31/2011 9:06:15 PM)


This card actually makes me a little sad.. I like vigilance.. but for 5 mana? Ajani goldmane costs 4 and can provide plus one counters. Now ajani is a mythic and this is a common.. but would it have killed them to make it cost 4 mana.. even 3 would be completely reasonable. Vigilance just helps you defend, it doesn't often end games.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (5/10/2011 2:34:59 PM)


This guy is pretty fairly costed based on what the other splicers are, his ability is often better than +1/+1 in my opinion, so it either needed to increase rarity and this guy for 4 would be a terrible rare so they added one mana and bumped him down to a common, a fair tradeoff in my opinion, is it a great card, no but it can be a very fun casual card
Posted By: imsully2 (6/4/2012 8:50:13 AM)


@Tigt, that's not a factoid.. that's a fact. The usage of the word factoid is becoming a factoid.

Factoid: An assumption or speculation that is reported and repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact.

Although, since factoid has been used incorrectly for so long.. it's definition has become "A brief or trivial item of news or information." as well. Which is a factoid.

Odd, it's definition, and explaining this... fits both of its definitions.
Also known as Irony.
Posted By: Eluem (6/25/2012 8:22:04 AM)


@Tigt: You're probably right about the creature type.
But now we have a profession type and no race type for this guy. We know what he does, but what is he?
He looks like a construct. Or at least half man, half machine, so he might as well even be a Human Artificer Construct.

I thought the days of Magic where we get creatures without a race type are gone?
(Although there are exceptions, mind you.)
Posted By: Mode (8/26/2012 5:10:13 AM)


Due to his unnatural form, you can't really make out what he is. And just as well, because for all we know, Phyrexia removed all species identity and gave birth to what appears to be just a race-less humanoid 'thing'.

He's closer to an actual alien than anything we've seen so far I'd say, along with the other race-less white Phyrexian creatures. Creepy... I like it.
Posted By: Blackworm_Bloodworm (9/11/2012 3:33:57 PM)


So that's where that mana from Blade Splicer's cost went!
Posted By: Kelptic183 (9/16/2012 8:49:35 PM)


Izzy always comes up with some of the most unique and odd pieces in MTG, and this is one of the most interesting incarnations of the Phyrexians yet. The light, shading, and color illuminate the frame which really highlights the figure.

5/5 for the art alone, Though golem tribal could be fun, i doubt this will play a huge part.
Posted By: Tsuichoi (10/5/2012 9:51:05 PM)


Love the darker feel of this kind of white card/art. Feels like this was a theme in Innistrad with cards like the morbid lingering souls

However, pretty unplayable at five mana. In my experience, wing splicer is the best, particularly in tandem with precursor golem
Posted By: patronofthesound (3/12/2013 7:19:57 AM)


Currently the lowest rated of the Splicers. I can sort of see why. He comes out turn 5 and has an added up P/T of 4, and Vigilance isn't necessarily good enough to change that. I do wonder if other golems can make use of the boost though.

List of Golems that don't untap properly;

Lead Golem (Terrible for its cost. Don't bother)
Battered Golem (3/2 for {3}. not worth it.)
Altar Golem (Interesting. P/T equal to number of creatures on battlefield. Could have potential, but he costs {7}. Still, interesting.)
Colossus of Sarpadia (Costs {9}. If you cheat it out, would be kind of neat though.)
Phyrexian Colossus (Didn't realize this guy was a Golem! No longer will we have to pay 8 life! Still, expensive.)

And that's about it. Bar Altar Golem and Phyrexian Colossus, I can't see this guy doing much else. Not bad, I guess, but not good. Giving it a 3.
Posted By: NARFNra (6/17/2013 11:03:06 PM)


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