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Community Rating: 4.363 / 5  (193 votes)
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Invest in this card.
If Innistrad is as graveyard-loving as we assume, this'll be what keeps it somewhat in check.
Posted By: infernox10 (7/21/2011 11:05:56 PM)


Dies to Noxious Revival and Mental Misstep.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (6/29/2011 9:43:59 AM)


Hello Johnny. Do you mind if I remove your spine? There's a good chap.
Posted By: Enemy_Tricolor (5/20/2011 1:28:20 PM)


I find the idea of exiling Path to Exiles hilarious.
Posted By: TwoStars (5/24/2011 2:50:19 PM)


I know some people are talking about Extirpate, but that's not Type 2 standard now is it? Being able to harm a deck in such was is extremely good in standard, especially when you can do so with such speed. ***, I dropped this on a dude 5 times in one match (3 of those was in 1 round) and I essentially wrecked his deck. I also use Haunting Echoes for later game so I can wreck their deck even further, just to take away all hopes of winning (people usually scoop when that hits).
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (6/12/2011 3:34:15 AM)


You guys watch a lot of Predator, don't you...
Posted By: Hayw00d0909 (4/29/2011 5:18:52 AM)


Silver bullet against relentless rats.dec
Posted By: Cloverdad (6/28/2011 9:56:55 AM)


why are these sort of cards always so damn expensive? (in $)
Posted By: luca_barelli (10/21/2011 9:15:59 PM)


More versatility than Extirpate. Finally bringing a b{i}itch of a black spell to all colors. I'd rather play Extirpate than this if I was playing strictly black though. Split second is of the highest value as oppose to paying two life instead of {B}.
Posted By: raptorman333 (12/8/2011 8:47:39 AM)


Not great in every deck. Not good against every deck.

And still exactly what a few decks need to beat a few other decks (great insurance in UWC/UBC vs. Tempered Steel, for instance). And likely to increase in value as the Innistrad block gives us more and more encouragement to put our own cards into the graveyard.

It looks like most comments here are either overvaluing it as the best card to hit standard since the Urza's block or undervaluing it as nothing but jank. Honestly, it's neither; just another situational card that, when said situation arises, has just as much or more reason to be played than any other card.

Also, confession time: I'm the reason Tempted_Johnny hates control. :p (Although I don't run caw so I don't know what he's hoping to exile.)
Posted By: Lyoncet (8/20/2011 11:13:12 PM)


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