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Solemn Simulacrum coming in hot! If they aren't blocking to kill, hopefully you have another sacrifice outlet though.
Posted By: kiseki (10/7/2011 3:56:57 PM)


Seems pretty decent with either:
1. Hard hitters like Ball Lightning or Putrefax.
2. Cards that give tokens like any of the Splicers from New Phyrexia or Kessig Cagebreakers.
3. Shenannigans like Unsummoning the creature or Sundial of the Infinite.
So, I think it's pretty nifty, albeit not always practical.
Posted By: infernox10 (10/31/2011 7:25:37 AM)


Playing magic builds my vocabulary.
Posted By: Enchantment_Removal (5/11/2011 8:57:48 AM)


Obviously not for reanimator, this seems to be made for ball lightning style decks.
Posted By: Sironos (6/6/2011 5:22:41 PM)


Use it to get back your splicers, then keep the golem. Or just have a titan go on a little rapefest for a turn.
Posted By: Annoyingblueplayer (8/13/2011 12:30:00 PM)


I don't see a "if it would leave the battlefield..." clause, so it seems like you could bounce the dude back after swinging, (or being swung at)- nice!
Posted By: mflanaga (5/11/2011 12:33:27 PM)


Discard or sacrifice your Dryad Arbor and then let her do a Postmortem Lunge for 2 life onto the battlefield and abuse her haste-powered body to produce Green! :D

Then butcher her again to Orcish Lumberjack or something to prevent her from getting exiled (and produce even more mana) :P

Or use it with Tinder Wall on turn one to get RedRedRed for Green and two life at the cost of two cards.
Maybe add something with death triggers, e.g. a Pawn of Ulamog.

This spell is awesome, haste allows really great tricks!
Especially with cheap creatures that would otherwise have to wait a turn before you can make use of their tap ability (e.g. Rootwáter Diver or Tragic Poet, which are both kept from exile since they're sacrificed. Goblin Welder comes to mind as well. The aforementioned Lumberjack. Appren... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (7/16/2011 5:02:30 PM)


Where have I seen that sword before?
Posted By: Lazyblazey (9/1/2011 8:48:03 PM)


@ majinara This card isn't directly for reanimator. What I mean by that is, you don't get your Scion of Darkness or Avatar of Woe with this, you get another use of your Doomed Necromancer and then get your big target with it.
Posted By: Rikiaz (5/22/2011 2:37:51 PM)


It's essentially a second copy (for one turn) of whatever bomb/utility creatures you have in Limited that have been destroyed/discarded. The cost difference is negligible (yes you pay one mana or 2 life more, but you also don't have to worry about difficult mana requirements on creatures like the Chancellors).
Posted By: nemokara (5/17/2011 9:44:12 PM)


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