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I think loxodon warhammer has the same issue with the lifelink
Posted By: Sidecutte (12/20/2011 12:04:43 PM)


Ok, I get it. It's ridiculously good. But what is it? It just seems like a bunch of random effects thrown onto a card to make stoneforge mystic even more ridiculously good than she already is. This is exactly the sort of card that makes people hate this game.

@Nip: This thing comes out turn 3. It's a turn 3 baneslayer angel that's really difficult to remove.
Posted By: alzabo (6/12/2011 6:36:36 PM)


Oh god! Even if I do kill the germ token they'll just return it and recast it!! Was that necessary to add R&D????
Posted By: TheEtheriumMaster (6/14/2011 1:54:53 PM)


beastly equipment that serves as a recurring creature as well. as if caw-blade needed more tools than a tutorable turn 3 4/4 recurring vigilance lifelinker.
Posted By: garabor (4/28/2011 1:17:07 PM)


You could, quite frankly, put this card in any deck. Extremely versatile and self-serving at the same time. On top of that it can protect itself. 5/5.

@Vincelli, Unless a card specifically says so, only the owner of a permanent can activate its abilities. Your opponents will wish they could return it to your hand. And then you will batter them.
Posted By: PanzerDragoon (2/18/2012 3:34:53 PM)


Even though your explanations are good, the card could have been changed so that it would be explained more easily. Just because you can explain something doesn't mean it's good design. This card makes no sense. It really is just a bunch of OP keywords tacked onto one card because it's a mythic rare.

As for the card, terrible design. Nothing interesting about it, and the flavour is all off.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/11/2013 12:20:16 PM)


...why does a battering ram of all things give you vigilance?

Oh right, it's an overly strong colourless mythic. This is why I don't like scars block much.
Posted By: Anggul (10/15/2011 12:24:17 PM)


I hate this card. I hate it for precisely the same reason I hate Baneslayer Angel.

A 4/4 for 5? Okay, we have a stone golem. Solid, but only for limited.
It's a living weapon? That makes it a fair amount more powerful and versatile, even though it's equip cost is 5. +4/+4 to a creature for 5 is pretty good, and can win games.

If we stop there, we have a moderately well costed card. Since it's stronger than most uncommons, it would be about a weak rare. But, I will agree that it's a little boring. So why not add a keyword?
Vigilance? Alright. A vigilant 4/4 for 5 isn't game breaking, and equipping it to a creature can make for a tricky situation, but I'm not hating this card. This would be a solid rare.

Returning to the hand for 3? I understand. This is the powerful ability to push it to mythic. A living weapon that can be recast, or bounced to protect itself? That's pretty crazy, and it's already a lot stronger than most c... (see all)
Posted By: Asmodi0000 (8/20/2011 6:36:26 PM)


@nipgwyllion Torpor Orb doesn't stop you from getting Batterskull into play for 1White, nor does it stop you from moving it back to your hand to evade removal for 3. Unless they reprint Stifle in Innistrad or M12, Batterskull is going to be a beater in Type II and Extended for a while.
Posted By: midnightvenom (6/5/2011 4:49:03 AM)


Yet another mythic that makes Serra Angel sad. :/
Posted By: Feralsymphony (5/20/2011 2:15:24 PM)


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