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I like this for the looking at my opponents hand effect. The free cantrip makes this even nicer.
Posted By: Studoku (4/29/2011 8:16:06 AM)


But after Spy Network...

Posted By: DeathDark (5/10/2011 8:42:04 PM)


it's funny how this is effectively a blue Thoughtseize (and thusly, with the card-advantage effect inverted).

*EDIT*: a *free* ANY color Thoughtseize, really!
Posted By: mattrva77 (12/27/2013 11:20:27 PM)


This is what I think of as an ideal Phyrexian Mana spell, unlike Dismember and Mental Misstep, which are both overpowered and overused
Posted By: made4ipod (9/13/2011 12:59:29 PM)



it just make sure that the player wash his/her hand before playing
Posted By: VINCRISTIANO (5/1/2011 8:34:40 PM)


@ theSwarm: Ditto! This card is nut's! First turn, play this before even playing a land, see what your opponent has to see if there's anything in their hand that is critical to their deck. If so, thrown down a swamp, play Despise or Inquisition of K., and then pay another 2 life to play Surgical Extraction! If not, you know what they got, you drew an extra card, and you didn't waste any spells. I love this set, I'm going to find reasons to put these in every one of my decks. I've made a U/W Knight Clones deck just to have a reason to have some blue spells so I can validate my decision to use a full play set of these in it. It's actually testing pretty well too, it's pretty valuable in a deck like a knights deck to see if you're opponent is holding any counter/bounce/removal spells.
Posted By: beatmick (5/1/2011 10:58:44 AM)


There are very few cases where I would not pay 2 life to peak into my opponents hand. Having the ability to play it for U isn't bad either.
Posted By: OWNdizzaled (6/22/2012 10:02:18 AM)


@ Gormaol this card is amazing for more reasons then you can see. pretend your playing poker and you can see your opponents hand. That is not an advantage? keeping an eye out for counterspell so you can drop your bomb.
Storm abilities work well too since you can cast for no mana.

Gitaxian Probe can also go for deck thinning effects since as you said a deck has a number of elements which work together to reach a desired effect, with each element allocated to the desired degree. If this draw effect is bringing you cards that are essentially dead weight maybe you need to reconsider what is in your deck.
Posted By: Marlo12345 (9/6/2012 1:45:47 PM)



This deck is all durdle, and no gas. How do you win? Silly blue mages...
Posted By: limitededition (12/19/2012 6:45:27 AM)


It's not as good as you people think. Looking at this from a Legacy perspective, if you're playing combo, which is the only deck type where this would be better than having some other situational card, already you're in very dicey waters against most decks, as I would say 80%+ of decks focus on control, and the majority of the time the height of control defeats the height of combo. This takes meta play testing for you to see. Next, think of what your deck is. It has a number of elements which work together to reach a desired effect, with each element allocated to the desired degree. When you play this without its mana cost, in a way you could think of it as reseting that general order in which you have this combination of effects you use in your deck. While you may get what you want, more likely than not, you'll get something that doesn't really help you that much, like another land or a card that you don't need or can't play right now, or something that would have done what you needed... (see all)
Posted By: Gormaol (5/24/2011 6:22:18 PM)


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