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Comparable to Street Wraith, with a mild extra benefit. (It's not like anyone intends to cast or reanimate Street Wraith.)

I'd say Probe is strictly better (because it adds to Storm count), but Street Wraith fuels Ichorid and can't be countered, so... run both?
Posted By: Salient (8/22/2011 1:38:57 AM)


Will I run this in my green aggro deck?

Pros: now I know when they don't have DoJ and I should overcommit. (not that this info helps me much when they show me two DoJs + a Baneslayer...)

Cons: matchups against red decks just got much worse.

I would say I'm not sure! Probably not... In a deck with discard / Memoricides or a blue deck, maybe.

Though, this will certainly be very playable in those Storm decks.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (4/30/2011 7:34:04 PM)


I think this card is awesome, but I am also going to show the pro and cons here.

Pro: Free hand "peek" at your opponent and replaces itself. Can be played in other colors, and disrupts combos because you see what they have before they play it (including that deciever exarch and splinter twin).

Con: It's not like a preordain, you can't re-order your library to fix your draw step. Potential combos with this card aren't particularly realistic. For example, if you use gitaxian probe, then despise, then surgical extraction, you may have got rid of one card out of their hand for good but the rest were in their library/graveyard and you used up 3 cards getting rid of it (although you gain 1 back). At that point it's closer to mill, you aren't garaunteed to disrupt their deck unless it's all combo and you take away the one piece they need.

I still give it a 3/5, because it's great for being a 1 mana blue draw spell, with cool art. Ponder and preordain might be better overall, b... (see all)
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (5/17/2011 12:00:49 AM)


I wonder how many new players see a card like this, and literally offer their palm to the opponent to see, not their cards?
Posted By: Enchurito. (7/10/2012 10:40:58 AM)


This has worked great for me on turns like this:

2 Life+Gitaxian Probe

I say that because for one mana, you've gotten rid of the downside of not drawing on your first turn (if you went first) and you got to see your next few draws, put them back in the order you want, and already have drawn two of those three cards. Now you also know what's in your opponents hand and can have an idea of how the game will go and you can save those Mana Leaks for something useful. Very fast, very cheap, and very good in a deck that can utilize it.
Posted By: Cygore (8/16/2012 9:42:19 AM)


I can't believe so many people think this is good. Ok, so you get to see the other player's hand.... so what? That does absolutely no good for you. Oh, it lets you know what you're going to hit when you hit them with targeted discard! targeted discard that makes them..reveal.. their.. um. Oops.

This is a perfect example of a card that LOOKS good, but really isn't. Your average storm deck won't play it because while life IS a resource, it's used so much better by ad nauseam, which is a storm staple. Oh, but you can just play it with a blue mana, right? Then what's the point of this over brainstorm, ponder, or preordain?
Posted By: PolskiSuzeren (5/16/2011 9:11:24 PM)


clairyvoyance t2 :)
Posted By: borgiey (5/5/2011 6:40:35 AM)


Honestly I don't really get what all the fuss is about. It's a good cycling card, but life can be more valuable than you think.
Posted By: chinkeeyong (4/29/2011 1:41:49 AM)


"Look at target player's hand."

OK, I'll look at my own hand, lol.
Posted By: Jake1991 (5/4/2011 6:16:22 AM)


In my opinion this card isn't as great as most people are saying. I would rather play Spy Network for one mana cost, i have more control over what i'm going to draw the next four turns and still know what my opponent has.
Posted By: Nekeno (5/4/2011 2:28:03 PM)


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