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Nice, but I prefer Pre-ordain to this.
Posted By: Hayw00d0909 (5/9/2011 7:18:11 PM)


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Posted By: Ideatog (8/16/2011 9:50:02 PM)


This would still be PERFECT without the "Look at target player's hand". Actually, that clause makes this spell worse than the alternative because the additional action that the spell requires soaks precious time needed to combo off and win. It already takes enough time to decrement the life counter.

The really cool part about this spell is that you don't have to pay life if you happen to have the extra mane. This is now the standard in cantrips.
Posted By: Enchantment_Removal (5/11/2011 8:52:45 AM)


Deck thinning, especially here, is really useless, because if you have a bad hand, then it's your fault for making a bad deck. Also, looking at your opponent's hand is quite useless, as you'll find out anyways ove... (see all)
Posted By: Swag_Crow (12/27/2013 7:05:52 AM)


I would've loved if they gave it Cycling - Pay 2 life for redundancy (yes I understand that would make it nigh-uncounterable draw, although under most circumstances it basically has the same effect)
Posted By: tcollins (5/20/2011 1:31:39 AM)


I put 4 of these in my counterburn. For people who don't understand this card's power, my new turn one looks like this:

Mountain, Lightning Bolt (or Shock), this for its 2 life cost.

I get to lower the ceiling to me being up one point (or at least equal), I get to see his hand, and cantrip... TURN 1. It's not broken though... it needs to be an instant to do that. It would be INSANE at that point.

I highly recommend this card - I might be buying another few sets for my other decks.
Posted By: blugrn1989 (6/2/2011 12:36:06 AM)


I put this in my mono red budget gobbo storm / kiln fiend deck. I get to see if Kiln fiend is safe; check for pyroclasms or spot removal and decide if you will cast empty the warrens or storm entity.
Posted By: jinxedidol (6/14/2011 12:28:08 AM)


Funnily enough, -Red- gets to know your entire hand for a couple of turns.

T1: Probe, Goblin Guide. You now have all the information in the world with which to navigate around your opponent. If you wouldn't value a whole hand of information over 2 life and land lookup in quick aggro decks where you're fighting like mad to get in before control elements start to take over the board, I honestly don't know what to say.

This card will be an all-star in many, many decks and it'll be amusing to see it pop up in decks it seemingly doesn't belong.
Posted By: WokeUpDead (6/15/2011 8:39:14 AM)


My favorite use: play it right before meddling mage. Love this ugly thing. It should really be a creature though.
Posted By: Laguz (6/18/2011 5:21:52 AM)


I do not think this card is broken because of the 2 life clause. Sure, against some decks it is literally meaningless (Infect, all out mill, etc.) but against fast Goblin Guide type decks, it could be quite negative, especially in decks that don't play blue. Plus against those aggro-beatdown decks, looking at their hands may not really help you that much, it still definitely helps though. I can see this being a main deck card for lots of decks, but players will prboably sideboard cards that take advantage of that life loss. However, losing 2 life for this effect should not be underestimated and I would consider this one of the most powerful cards out there, close to Ancestral Recall in sheer power. But I have to thank Wizards for making it a common.
Posted By: NuckChorris (6/27/2011 11:20:43 AM)


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