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Community Rating: 3.652 / 5  (128 votes)
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"Oh, I like that spell. I want one too!"
Posted By: Totema (6/5/2012 1:35:44 PM)


I never owned Fork. That said, this is easily my favorite card. It's not very good in most red decks, but what's not to love about countering counterspells, using this card defensively, doubling a fat fireball or undoing something tremendous like Living Dead.

I'll still reverberate my reverberate and probably deal lethal damage every single time.
Posted By: Dream_Twist (6/16/2012 8:12:48 PM)


There's so much red in my meta, I hate when goblins or Dragonstorm decide to Reverberate my Genesis Wave's where X is some absurdly high number.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (10/4/2012 11:07:00 AM)


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