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This guy + Birthing Pod. For 5 mana and 2 life (or 6 mana) you get:

1. Rampant Growth
2. Evermind
3. A 5CMC creature of your choosing

So with the 2 cards you get +2 card advantage, and whatever 5 CMC creature you've decided to include in your deck. That's just beautiful right there.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (7/13/2011 9:57:22 PM)



For 4 you get a colourless chump blocker, land ramp and a cantrip. Each of those individual is usually worth 2 mana. The fact it is colourless is even better, it can go in any deck and can be cast regardless which colour you are in need of.

When combo'ed with recursion cards like Mimic Vat it becomes amazing.
Posted By: CrimsonFury82 (7/17/2011 3:16:25 AM)


To those that underestimate this card: it is meant to be recurred. This reprint makes my mono white Emeria, the Sky Ruin deck standard for a very short time. Most of the deck is just this, Kor Cartographer, Pilgrim's Eye, and board wipes. I just sit there wiping threats until I have Emeria active, then replay my Simulacrums and chump/wipe until I have a game finisher. Nothing like a Day of Judgment that also draws you 3 cards, and since you have been fetching lands all game you have the mana to then drop an Elspeth/Gideon and/or your favorite bomb on a clean board.

I look at him like a colorless Ondu Giant that trades 2 toughness for card draw cantrip on death.
Posted By: TheKeiser (7/23/2011 11:24:09 AM)


This is a feel-good rare.

It has nothing bad with it, and it isn't too threatening or overpowered like something like Garruk's Horde (not that it's super-powerful), but it's not too cheap-costing that it is broken.

it is also one of those cards like Keldon Marauders that makes the opponent not want to block it, because if they did, then they'd be helping you.

The added bonus is that this card is an artifact, therefore, it could be put anywhere. It is so versatile and efficient in its work that if you don't have one, then you should at least try to get a few boosters and try your luck.

Buying it individually isn't worth the 13 or so dollars, not because it isn't worth that, but because it's just a rare: 1 of your cards in a booster could be one of 68 rares/mythics, and you get the bonus of the commons and uncommons, as well as the lucky chance of getting a foil card.

Man, i love spending money on Boosters.
Posted By: Ferlord (9/7/2011 7:16:30 PM)


Very nice card. Useful in almost any deck. Still, I wish it cost less (money-wise).
Posted By: JL2736 (12/1/2011 8:48:31 PM)


I miss yavimaya elder.
Posted By: raptorman333 (12/2/2011 10:24:50 PM)


I have a friend that uses these like crazy. He started writing comments on them like "I lost my job today" and "I have no friends." I can't tell whether this is sad or awesome, either way it's funny. Great card.
Posted By: Oyster450 (12/14/2011 8:57:38 PM)


Although I do appreciate the new art (this one doesn't remind me of the "Tin Man" from Wizard of Oz like the last one), does anybody else think it's kind of wrong that the Invitational cards have been getting new art? I mean, if the person that wins the Invitational comes up with such a useful card that it gets reprinted, it would seem like they should get their face on all printings of it instead of just the first.

With that said, I do like the art for this version much better.
Posted By: uoldgoat (1/23/2012 10:45:34 AM)


Awesome. Perfect. Now it even has a relevant creature type! This card is perfect in every way, a perfect storm of ramp, draw, and a Grizzly Bear for any color.
Posted By: alucard311 (7/7/2011 6:40:20 PM)


great reprint with a disappointing art. this card helps you with both the card disadvantage (if you start first) and the land (if you started last). really good. also combine with smallpox.
Posted By: don_miguel (7/8/2011 4:40:59 AM)


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