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Splinter Twinwith Instil Energy or Freead from the Real causes this guy to go overdrive.
Posted By: TheManakinTransfer (8/10/2011 1:07:59 PM)


Huh, still dont see how this is that good. I guess I just am not pro yet. Every time I drew it, I thought, **** not this again, mana ramp for 4 mana! WTF is this! Imma just play another Palladium Myr, thank you very much. Traded it for an etched sentinel and an hour of reckoning, and have yet to miss it. Also, the person I traded it to hated the new art and would murder for a copy with the old art. Heh.
Posted By: SniperJolly (7/15/2011 6:08:49 AM)


Back Like Cooked Crack!!!!!!
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (7/7/2011 6:48:58 PM)


you guys are all obsessed with card advantage...at the end of the day it's still a 2/2 for four mana...go ahead, rate my comment down, I don't care, but you know it's the truth, card advantage doesn't win games.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/17/2011 11:04:41 PM)


Dies to doom blade.
Posted By: Guest742242900 (7/31/2011 5:50:21 PM)


I miss the sad robot. I will never actually play with the M12 printing as long as the Mirrodin one exists. That aside, this was an amazing card even before strange golem shenanigans became popular in Scars block. Colorless Rampant Growth, and a slowtripping bear? If you make a trade with the Simulacrum, you'll be up 2 cards!

And the fact that he's an artifact creature also means he's good for decks like Steel Artifact, where he can get huge alongside an unchecked Steel Overseer, he can beat face with Tempered Steel, and even if a couple of your Simulacrums die to a board sweeper, you're still up in card advantage. Plus, if he doesn't die right away, he still beats for 2, which is not an insignificant number by any means. I shouldn't have to convince you to play this card; he's a one-man show.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (7/21/2011 10:54:59 AM)


I've said this about many other cards in the past, but I really don't think this guy has a whole lot of potential unless you 1.) Run 4, and 2.) Have some way of powering him up, like say Tempered Steel for example.

Otherwise, one extra land (basic, and in tapped) and one extra card (if he dies) for 4, and only a 2/2 creature? It looks really good on paper but I think, in practice, there's better things you can do with 4 mana. In this set even. See Quicksilver Amulet. Even if you're just casting it, it's a lot more threatening. If you're using it, well, you can throw down something a lot more effective for the same amount of mana. I'm not saying this is bad, not at all. I just don't see what the 4.5 avg is all about.

Oh yeah, and the art is GORGEOUS!!! O_O
Posted By: AngelPhoenix (7/22/2011 11:30:54 AM)


an amazing card, however, not as powerful with mimic vat a people think. you exile the token that it produces, so you dont get the card draw. regardless, this card is ridiculous

Posted By: calebbevers (7/25/2011 11:59:13 AM)


My Mimic Vat deck just got a hell of a lot better.
Posted By: QuietK (7/27/2011 12:39:41 AM)


Appropriately epic new art. Now the whole card is amazing, 5/5
Posted By: axiobeta (7/30/2011 9:06:09 AM)


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