Obviously this card is perfect in decks that perfect in self-mill and scarifice decks but it also works as a great counter-measure against heavy removal and board-sweep decks. While more of a late-game one-dropper, it is extremely effective when used decievely. Plus the effects on the enchanted creature GROWS as the game goes on assuming things go well.
Note: I'm assuming that it grows concidering the it gives +X/+X based on the number of creatures in the graveyard, which is obviously going to increase as the game goes on. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Posted By:
(3/18/2012 11:22:42 AM)
Love the art, and the card. putting this on a Splinterfright is pretty fun. I had an Ambush Viper with a Wreath on him and 9 creatures in my graveyard. Quite an intimidating little creature. :)
Posted By:
(4/12/2012 2:01:34 AM)
...For ONE mana, you can get a boatload of power onto a creature of your choosing.
And as usual, it's an aura, so people hate it. Does the term "High risk, high reward" mean anything to you people?
Posted By:
(8/19/2012 2:42:43 PM)
I've played some pretty fun casual games with this in a / self-mill morbid deck. Is it tournament quality? No, but it's an enjoyable card.
Posted By:
(3/12/2013 4:55:07 PM)
Well, if it was a sorcery that cost and gave +10/+10 would you run it?
Okay then, shut the **** up about, "its an aura".
Posted By:
(4/16/2013 7:57:31 AM)
Good fun with Rummaging Goblin or any similar looter, allowing you to potentially boost it at instant speed!.
Posted By:
(6/9/2013 2:59:15 PM)
Wow, this is fun with Traumatize and Laboratory Maniac in a self-mill deck! After Traumatizing my self (Funny...) I can make one of my creatures +20/+20... FOR 1 MANA!
Posted By:
(4/28/2014 1:44:36 PM)