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Seriously thinking of making a deck with nothing but Thunderous Wrath, Terminus, and Devestation Tide, with nothing but Whirpool Rider, Whirpool Warrior, Whirpool Drake, and Lat-nam's Legacy.
Posted By: nirvava (5/22/2012 2:00:05 AM)


When I saw this, my first reaction was actually to think of the scene in the Charleton Heston Ten Commandments where the Finger of God LAYS DOWN THE LAW.

Apparently, in this version, he couldn't find any tablets to write on, and decided to use your opponent's face instead.

(Please, nobody get into a serious religious argument just because I mention the word 'God'. xP I am merely enjoying a moment of awe at looking at some Serious Firepower, and I thought a Chuck Norris joke would be too easy and stupid and un-Vorthos :) )
Posted By: ParallaxtheRevan (6/3/2012 11:12:35 PM)


Definitely thinking of running 2 in my red-white aggro humans. By turn 6 I could hard-cast or miracle this after some token pounding. could certainly be a finisher.
Posted By: Spectre501st (7/15/2012 5:01:05 PM)


Well I got a chance to play some games of Magic involving miracle cards, namely this one. One deck has Thunderous Wrath in it, the other deck had no miracle cards. The decks were otherwise pretty well balanced. Guess what? Every time the miracle deck played even one Thunderous Wrath, that deck won. Every single time. We switched decks to make sure the skill level wasn't the factor (I am an experienced old-timer). Made no difference. Thunderous Wrath with Miracle cost = always win. Whenever that deck didn't play Thunderous Wrath, it lost.

Thunderous Wrath:
Power level = 6/5 (You'll splash red just to be able to play it)
Game balance = 0/5 (Equivalent to flipping a coin to see who wins each round)
Fun factor = -5/5 (Makes you wish you were playing Pokemon instead)

Anyone who says the "Miracle" mechanic isn't broken hasn't tested it in the field. I consider "Miracle" to be the most broken mechanic of all time, and by far the most unfun and arbitrary. Losing to an idiot just bec... (see all)
Posted By: DrJack (9/11/2013 1:02:32 PM)


Far better — though not strictly so — than Explosive Impact.
Posted By: Continue (11/14/2013 12:24:21 PM)


I've been looking forward to this, got it at the prerelease, won my first game with it, good stuff. However, most of the games the rest of the night didn't pan out so well especially with my blue card draw. Protip: miracle prefers scrying to card draw
Posted By: cardraptor6 (4/28/2012 9:03:38 AM)


Rules Text Errata: If this card is not in your opening hand it is strictly better than lightning bolt.

But seriously? As long as it isn't in your opening hand you will cast it as soon as you draw it, because when won't you have a single red mana open?

I think if this was miracle costed at 1R it would still be insanely powerful, but at just R its nucking futs.
Posted By: Niner9 (4/30/2012 7:11:23 AM)


I admit that I wasn't too sure how the "Miricle" mechcanic would pan out. This card pretty much sold me.

I have to agree that it works best if it isn't in your opening hand, but even then a Lava Axe that can target a creature or player at instant speed is fantastic in any game.
Posted By: nessy_ydissac (4/30/2012 8:39:44 AM)


@djflo: use Faithless Looting.
Posted By: Fenix. (5/1/2012 10:56:11 AM)


On top of the card's mechanics being hands down great, the artwork is also incredible.
Posted By: Speednat (5/5/2012 11:55:25 AM)


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