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And all i can think about is Ashen Rider
Posted By: cwdragon (1/18/2014 1:39:42 AM)


so...what happens if i cloudshift Tangle Asp after declaring it as a blocker?
Posted By: Zacklar (2/13/2014 11:42:07 AM)


@ Zacklar

Tangle Asp uses a delayed triggered ability, as indicated by its use of the word "at (end of combat)." The rules for this are covered in 603.7. I'm not 100% confident in this explanation, as the examples given in the rules don't directly apply to this scenario, but I'm pretty sure this is correct.

The block happened, so the effect's condition has triggered - the delayed ability is now waiting for the end of combat to go on the stack. Whatever happens to the Asp from this point on shouldn't matter. The opposing creature remains blocked (as a blocker was assigned to it) and is destroyed at the end of combat, and your Asp leaves combat and the battlefield and re-enters as a new creature.
Posted By: Antsache (2/28/2014 11:20:49 AM)


This card is a one mana Swiss army knife in the right hands.
Posted By: Reishyn (3/2/2014 9:58:28 PM)


Re-use ETBs, counter a spell targeting a creature you control, remove a creature from combat or play crazy tricks with the stack. If you have a deck that can use everything this card has to offer, its an amazing deal at White. Casting this at the right time can turn the tide of a game, and it doesn't even have to be on some bomb creature. Dodge a kill spell, leaving them defenseless or sneak in ETB when they aren't expecting it (During their combat?) and you can seize control of a game. This may not be tournament level, but its good enough to be a four of other places.

@ Diachronos: I cannot think of a format where Isochron Scepter is better than Snapcaster Mage. Maybe one or two specific decks in more casual legacy? Both are good, but Snapcaster is waaay better. You don't lose a card from your hand, you can target sorceries and spells of any cost, you get a creature for your mana, you can do it on your opponent's turn. Snapcaster is in another... (see all)
Posted By: Enelysios (4/2/2014 8:16:24 AM)


Oh, wow. That's a nice Gideon, Champion of Justice you've got there. It'd be a shame if something were to... happen to it. Specifically something that might, say, allow me to take control of it temporarily. If that happened, who knows maybe he'd become a creature? And maybe, purely by accident mind you, I'd Cloudshift him. Wouldn't that just be terrible?
Posted By: The_Hittite (4/2/2014 4:29:03 PM)


This coupled with Sin Collector grants repeated vision of your opponents hand with an added discard effect.

5/5! -I'm running 3 of each in my White/Black deck atm.
Posted By: Vursor (5/13/2014 3:25:38 AM)


For us Legend lovers/EDH/old-schoolers: Rasputin Dreamweaver.

I personally Energy Tap him then cloudshift. 7 + 6 + 7 = 20 colorless mana for 8 total mana which I throw at Sphinx's Revelation.
Posted By: Psychrates (6/4/2014 7:50:42 PM)


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