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Community Rating: 3.959 / 5  (97 votes)
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Gruul, use a steal effect Treacherous Blood or similar spell to borrow their fatty then make it fight their other biggest threat. Then attack if it survives!
Posted By: TowerDefender (5/17/2013 1:39:50 AM)


A green 1 drop that can actually dominate the board and gives a ton of control and board presence... Fantastic.

Also that art, 5/5
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (5/29/2013 7:54:14 PM)


This card is tops, and should be rated so.
Posted By: Stuflames (6/22/2013 8:55:13 PM)


Reusable fighting on a one drop. Pretty solid card.

Posted By: Tamerlein (7/19/2013 10:12:10 AM)


One of my favorite cards. I love to run strong creatures, and I don't care about paying their high mana cost if they have one. I almost always have stronger creatures than my opponents out, and with this guy I can kill of their creatures on by one. Yeah with stronger creatures I could just swing all out, but I think it is more fun to slowly kill off every creature they have, while making my field even stronger and this guy is perfect for that.
Posted By: GordonFreechmen (7/20/2013 12:52:31 AM)



Oh please.

It's a one drop whose ability relies upon other creatures. It drains two mana, which IS significant if you plan to use it every turn, and it's not really worth attacking with.

He's also never going to want to attack or block on his own, so he's a utility creature with no protection that dies to anything that lowers toughness by even a single point.

There are some overpowered cards nowadays, but this certainly is not one of them. Yes, he's a great card, but he's not broken.
Posted By: NARFNra (11/3/2013 2:25:08 AM)


"Ah, yes, comrade. You are strong, like Russian bear. In fact, you might just be Russian bear."
Posted By: Kryptnyt (1/12/2014 6:38:28 PM)


I love this guy. He works at instant speed, on other guy’s turns, when I’m still getting out of bed.... He looked so harmless, but now my friends try and kill him off like he was Progenitus.

In my First Strike - Lifelink - Deathtouch deck he uses Glissa the Traitor, Vampire Nighthawk and some others with Angelic Destiny laid on them, etc., to keep the battlefield so neat and tidy.

You can rack up a lot of Lifelink in your spare time with him too, knock off pesky Arbor Elf in ramp decks, or take down fatties with 1 drop deathtouch creatures just for sheer entertainment value.

Try him with Kiora’s Follower, Seeker of Skybreak, or Freed from the Real. And to think I discovered him by using Pit Fight.
Posted By: Potrezebie (5/3/2014 2:21:45 PM)


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