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Community Rating: 4.053 / 5  (38 votes)
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This is on the Reserved List, but you can still play Head Games for 3BlackBlack.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (6/25/2013 6:46:18 PM)


Hehe, Mind Over Matter... with a Jace's Archivist on the field... this... *ya see where I'm goin' with this?* - "ALL YOUR HANDS ARE BELONG TO US! THEY SHALL BE THE MOST GLORIOUS GOD-HANDS IN THE HISTORY OF HANDDOM!!!.......... now PITCH them!" - This has been a msg from Homie the Clown, who STILL, after all these years, 'Don't Play Dat'
Posted By: 8Netherwind8 (4/23/2014 12:04:23 AM)


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