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Just love this beauty , it's sad that innitrad bloc's cards don't include wolwes with werewolwes .
Posted By: MojoVince (4/4/2012 3:28:26 PM)


Alas, poor Pincher Beetles.
Posted By: CJM2 (7/26/2011 7:11:54 AM)


If this was an Elf it would probably cost 2 green or 1G and 1 of any color ;)
Seriously, such a pretty and classy card.
If we endeared this card to the Green/forest identity a little more and made it 3 Green to play instead of 2 colorless and 1 Green, could we alter, improve or increase ability?
If we took a look at Slippery Boggle and increased its offering relatively, wouldn’t it progress to 2 mana for a 2/2 with hexproof, then 3/3 with hexproof for 3 mana, no?
Just wondering.
Posted By: Chrs84 (4/10/2012 8:40:37 AM)


¿hexproof, hunters, bow, wolf? is the She-Wolf of David Guetta!
Posted By: NekoMachine (12/7/2012 10:20:35 AM)


Makes a decent aura deck.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/24/2013 12:45:47 PM)


the Witchstalker is better being a 3/3 hexproof, that could get bigger against the right opponent. (black can still cast his removal spell during his turn, but it's pretty hard for blue to counter spell during it's turn)

Yes sacred wolf is more splashable, but today with all the duo land out there, once you got enough mana to pay 3, you probably can pay 2 green (specially since mana acceleration come mainly in green) still 3.5/5 for budget deck, even if witchstalker isn't very expensive neither (3-4$ in my region I believe)
Posted By: Sorxores (3/18/2014 12:36:59 PM)


@Kirbster: You actually bring up a good point there. Between True-Name Nemesis and Delver of Secrets, blue has gotten some pretty unreasonable creatures as of late. Of course, green now has Witchstalker to replace this... but that isn't even really seeing Standard play, never mind eternal formats. If blue is going to get creatures that can stack up quite well to green, why doesn't green get something in return?
Posted By: Continue (4/8/2014 5:33:27 PM)


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