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They're plotting with demonic forces because they're trying to sell their souls for air fresheners because their base SMELLS OF FARTS!
Posted By: Splizer (10/25/2011 2:41:20 PM)


All these comments are going to look so stupid when we don't have Ravnica nor Alara any time soon.
Posted By: Symar (3/11/2012 10:24:22 AM)


Could you people stop to give unofficial (and false) spoilers away? It bothers a lot to hear about what next year plane will be something like a year before. Moreover you don't have a clue, and is actually a lie! And if it were true, I would had to kill you for spoiler something so important! I don't read blogs or forums just because of the danger of reading something unofficial ahead... I don't want to know so long before what the next year block setting, or theme, or mechanism would be, so please, stop to do such a stupid thing!

However, back to the card! I love these dual lands, I wish they reprint them in core sets along with the "allied" dual lands.


Edit: Yeah, we're returning to Ravnica! All my compliments to Lyoncet, the one that said it almost 7 months before the ufficial announcing... Thank you for have ruined the waiting... F**k you!
Posted By: leomistico (5/13/2012 2:05:45 AM)



Check again.

Posted By: MasterOfBearLore (4/13/2012 4:04:38 PM)


Haha it's hilarious to read all this speculation now that it's been announced. I'm not saying anyone is stupid; it's just the nature of speculation that some people end up being wrong (although people could be a little less forceful).

Best part was the guy who said, "the rumors regarding the 'Return to Ravnica' have been debunked." He nailed the name of the block!
Posted By: Notoriety (5/19/2012 1:40:45 PM)


While some say the rumors regarding the "Return to Ravnica" have been debunked, it IS safe to assume we'll see a Return to Alara in the coming blocks (possibly a few away though). Think about it:

Bant (white)
Esper (blue)
Grixis (black)
Jund (red)
Naya (green)

Five shards whose alphabetical order represents the standard color progression perfectly while also utilizing almost exactly half the alphabet? Coincidence? I think not. We're going to see five enemy shards whose alphabetical order represents the standard enemy-trio-color progression, while having names started with O - Z.

White (black/red) - P?
Blue (red/green) - S?
Black (green/white) - U?
Red (white/blue) - W?
Green (blue/black) - Z?

EDIT: When you compare the wealth of three color options available for ally colors via the Shards block, I really don't see how you can reference the Apocalypse cards the same way. The cards you link are all mono-colored, despite their activated abilities which require mana costs from "en... (see all)
Posted By: bowlofgumbo (5/29/2012 12:58:25 AM)


Hehe. Hey guys, doubting the Return to Ravnica. It was literally the set name.
Posted By: Stinga (3/27/2013 2:42:17 PM)


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