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Community Rating: 3.649 / 5  (57 votes)
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Hmm....I don't think we've seen the last of the Eldrazi. Granted, Wizards' current modus operandi for story writing seems to be just slightly more organized and restrained than DC Comics, but after the first 'MTG Crisis on Infinite Earths' in Future Sight, we might be able to expect some sort of Blackest Night, or New 52-esque 'push this giant red button and see what happens' block....a block that would unite the current arch-stories of The Eldrazi, Nicol Bolas, and a few key Planeswalkers. Don't ever expect a card with the name 'Jace' ever again, but I think we are not done with him in the webcomics just yet....oh, and there's the whole 'both New Phyrexia and Karn are back now.'

None of our previous Planeswalkers spoiled so far has come across as being able to fill the post of 'Red Ranger' against Nicol Bolas' 'Lord Zedd'. That is to say, each might have personal potential, but nobody looks like much of a team player so far. In fact, last I checked everyone from the Lorwyn 5 and the... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (1/6/2012 10:45:16 AM)


Beautiful in the new (old?) frame. Futureshifted frames look horrible.
Posted By: draco_nite (4/10/2011 10:22:33 PM)


This is the only reason I want to buy Knights vs. Dragons. And it makes me want to buy it four times.
Posted By: ayefightbears (4/7/2011 10:18:04 PM)


There's a giant "F@#%K YOU KOR FIRWALKER" for monored.
Posted By: Mr.Wimples (4/27/2011 10:58:05 AM)


It's a damn shame colorless isn't supported by color indicators.
Posted By: Doom_Lich (12/6/2012 4:29:39 PM)


I want to like it, but 3 mana is a pretty hefty cost for a burn spell that only deals 3, especially when you can use Dismember or Lightning Bolt.

I don't really think that a two mana cost would really break anything, but maybe Wizards didn't think access to eight Incinerates would be a good idea.
Posted By: Gelzo (9/4/2011 7:10:29 PM)


Its like your paying 1 extra to make it colorless, which is extremely situational. Pure sideboard fodder, even then you probably have better options in mono red, which include Lux Cannon, Ratchet Bomb, and Brittle Effigy.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (3/25/2013 12:29:23 PM)


Costed 3 colourless? Come on guys, Red is probably the only colour that hasn't ruthlessly stolen a mechanic from another colour. Two Red wouldn't have been a bad cost for this card mind....
Posted By: psychichobo (4/27/2013 4:27:48 PM)


Of course you can't use a color indicator on a colorless card.
Posted By: Axelle (1/16/2012 8:25:40 AM)


Peculiar how this wasn't printed in Zendikar block. Flavorwise, at least.
Posted By: Totema (3/30/2012 8:18:15 PM)


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