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Community Rating: 3.649 / 5  (57 votes)
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It used to be that I thought this was overcosted because Incinerate cost 1 less and could deal with regeneration, which is the bane of burn spells, rather than this being overcosted because of Lightning Bolt. Lightning Bolt is just too powerful guys, we all know this.

And now Wizards have printed Searing Spear, which is not only strictly worse than Incinerate AND Lightning Bolt, but is just a boring pile of underwhelming blandness. And now I KNOW that this card is overcosted as all hell. Protection from Red isn't that big of a deal. Red has ways around it, namely, nuking the player instead. There was no conceivable reason to price this at Red2. None. I mean, had it been priced at 3, that would have been an entirely different story. That's colorless burn, I'm all for that. This is just burn that can get through an uncommon problem at an insane cost. It's just stupid.

For that reason, I can only give this card a 2/5, ... (see all)
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (9/16/2012 11:00:16 AM)


It seems like it costs too much (in mana, not price).
Posted By: azure_drake222222 (2/2/2013 12:47:56 PM)


So, what will a colourless colour indicator look like?
Posted By: DeckMechanic (2/8/2013 7:12:02 AM)


Should have costed 3 colourless. So many more options.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (3/14/2013 3:28:31 PM)


I wonder if ugin could see why kids love the taste of delicious cinnamon toast crunch..
Posted By: Mr.Freshness-Timmy (7/12/2013 7:57:01 AM)


good card but wouldve been great if it packed more of a punch, 4 or 5 dmg and a manacost of even five wouldve made it better, so u can knockout some of those pesky protected angels.
Posted By: patronofthesound (10/23/2013 3:38:12 PM)


Well.... it's a powerful tool for current mono red decks, it's a way to handle with Master of Waves.., except it's in standard :(
Posted By: MHRathalos (11/11/2013 7:28:55 AM)


Takes five to kill Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. Oh wait...
Posted By: wxnbvq1 (1/4/2014 3:09:15 AM)


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