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This thing is great!!! You're really only gonna be playing weenies with him, so you generally have mana for the card draw. Also, it has two relevant creature types, and there's a lotta human support in Innistrad. This is gonna be a beast in Standard

Posted By: Superllama12 (10/2/2011 5:26:40 PM)


"My name is Syrio Forel. The first sword of Braavos does not run."

Fixed the flavor text.
Posted By: blindthrall (10/10/2011 1:46:30 PM)


Words of Wilding?
Posted By: majinara (9/27/2011 12:03:32 AM)


White weenie has never impressed me. Standard white weenie even moreso, especially from decks I've seen that play four wraths, which is just backwards since its an aggressive deck bent on dominating the board and killing quickly.
This guy fixes all of that. Pump guys onto the board like no tomorrow. Mana Leak that wrath effect or fatty! There's no need to run wraths of your own! That's just paranoid!
Posted By: Kryptnyt (10/4/2011 4:11:20 PM)


Very useful card in that it supplies monowhite with card advantage, something that is supposed to be it's only weekness. It's almost like giving red a draw option when the opent is the target of a burn spell. Very rare that white has agruably better creature based draw than green
Posted By: Myrderous (8/3/2012 7:59:18 AM)


Maybe this guy can do something wacky with heartless summoning
Posted By: metalevolence (9/24/2011 1:12:00 AM)


Call me crazy, but I'm going to try this inTempered Steel. Helps give the deck extra gas and lets you find your namesake card that much fast. Who cares if won't work with Steel in play, you should already have enough pressure to close out the game at that point.
Posted By: .Blaze. (9/22/2011 10:33:10 PM)


Going to make a Standard white equip deck with this, Puresteel Paladin, Champion of the Parish, Mirran Crusader, and a bunch of living weapons. Remember that when the living weapon is cast, you get to draw a card from Puresteel Paladin's ability, then pay 1 to draw a card for the 0/0 germ that comes into play. Should be fun and fast for casual play.
Posted By: CarlosLiberated (9/25/2011 4:26:55 PM)


Question: If you have a mayor of averbruk (or another +1/+1 enchantment) that gives your humans +1/+1 on the board and you play a 2/2 human, will it qualify for the mentor of the meek's ability to trigger?

I guess the question is: does the creature enter as a 2/2 and then get the +1/+1 or does it enter immediately as a 3/3?
Posted By: KingHrothgar (10/2/2011 10:15:34 PM)


My Kaalia of the Vast Commander deck could use this. Most of the non-Angel/Demon/Dragon guys fit his requirement, and that's enough to make him worth it. Then with the extensive recursion package the deck runs, if I could get any of those guys onto the battlefield a second time, the Mentor would more than prove his place in the 99.
Posted By: sarroth (9/25/2011 2:27:18 PM)


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