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Card draw obviously has great synergy in weenie decks. Though if I'm playing aggressively, I often don't have that extra 1 mana available. So I guess I play this guy mostly because I have a little crush on him...
Posted By: CFLuke (5/3/2013 11:43:26 PM)


Most of the playable cards for exalted decks like silverblade and the Knights of Glory/Infamy have below two power before they attack too.. Exalted can always use a card engine!
Posted By: Osprey_93 (5/8/2013 11:36:45 AM)


Feed the Pack in Selesnyan decks, Growing Ranks, Assemble the Legion Edit: Blaze Commando whenever you play an instant or sorcery that deals damage you get two free hasty r/w 1/1 soldier tokens. Pay 2 to draw two.
Posted By: TowerDefender (5/29/2013 4:37:58 PM)


Unfortunately the same decks that want Honor of the Pure for power want to run this for card advantage. The +1/+1 effect will often prevent the draw effect from triggering. I recommend Mikaeus, the Lunarch instead, because he can buff your small creatures after they enter the battlefield, and over time more than +1/+1 as well. Honorable mention to Thraben Doomsayer to keep this engine running in mono white, as long as you stay above 5 life. Champion of the Parish, Soul Warden, Gather the Townsfolk, Goldnight Commander, and Increasing Devotion make a nice little band of Merry Men. Cathars' Crusade if you're feeling like having truly massive humans.
Posted By: Thornhillforge (7/6/2013 6:03:32 PM)


Hero of Bladehold has a tax on her for {2} that says "Lol."
Posted By: blurrymadness (2/4/2014 11:15:30 AM)


This actually makes a lovely piece in a Doran, the Siege Tower commander deck, assuming you play low-power, high-toughness dudes.
Posted By: GrayWizard (2/12/2014 7:17:45 PM)


Just added two of these to my Genesis Chamber / Cloudstone Curio deck. The ability to turn Kobolds, myr, Whitemane Lion, etc. into extra cards is quite nice.
Posted By: Mooby (5/21/2014 2:04:03 PM)


Wait, since instead of giving +1/+1 counters, he's giving the caster extra cards...doesn't that mean that YOU, the player, are the meek one he's mentoring?
Posted By: EGarrett01 (5/22/2014 4:46:08 PM)


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