@JaxsonBateman: How can something not be legal in casual? Doesn't casual, by definition, depend on the people that are playing it? Also, why would you concede just because of a Black Vise and Overburden? A lot of decks don't even play a creature until they've emptied their hand of lands, at which point, as long as you didn't draw another land that turn, you can play a creature, bounce a land, and then put that land right back into play.
Posted By:
(1/29/2012 4:21:56 PM)
um, wow. should really use this in a landfall deck so you can rebound multiple lands with Evolving Wilds and other cool stuff.
Posted By:
(1/7/2013 1:54:44 PM)
Utterly hilarious with Dryad Arbor.
Posted By:
(1/14/2013 3:37:19 PM)
This is an evil card worth basing a deck on. Of all the decks I've built recently, my favorite one is built around this, token creatures, Polymorph/Mass Polymorph, and Roil Elemental.
Posted By:
(4/15/2013 4:31:14 PM)
It's a lock with sunken hope and storm cauldron
Posted By:
(5/3/2013 7:52:40 PM)
Creatureless Talrand, Sky Summoner commander deck with this is perfect.
Posted By:
(4/15/2014 6:26:12 AM)