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One of the funniest scenarios possible in Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 is the Golgari mirror match when both players have one of these out. Some ridiculously complicated stalemate scenarios can arise with both players keeping up with the other in creature count and neither willing to attack because the resulting back-and-forth triggering of the Grave Pacts will wipe the entire board.

Then when you consider that at least one of them probably has a Blood Artist out, things get really interesting.
Posted By: Antsache (5/22/2013 5:50:34 PM)


That doesn't quite work. You can't target the apprentice necromancer with his own ability. It goes like this:
Choose targets for ability.
Pay activation cost of ability to put ability on the stack.
Resolve ability (assuming no responses)

There is no time for anyone to react during this process, but you can't target the same apprentice necromancer with his own ability. You can, however, use another apprentice necromancer.

This card is a classic. So insanely powerful and combo-tastic. I use it in my Vish Kal EDH deck to make his abilities even more scary. I sacrifice tokens, bloodghast, solemn simulacrum, and sometimes, when I'm feeling mean, I sacrifice yosei.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/21/2013 1:19:50 PM)


Concerned I have the timing details down properly:

Grave Pact in play -
Cast Bone Splinters that has a cost of sacrificing a creature to destroy a creature -
Target of Bone Splinters is declared as creature is sacrificed -
sacrificed creature triggers Grave Pact forcing a creature sacrifice in response -
opponent can choose the targeted creature as the response sac, right? so only one creature ends up dying from Bone Splinters effect?
Hoping y'all can convince me otherwise ---
Posted By: Dwst (9/1/2013 7:31:34 PM)


@Dwst, that sounds right to me. If you have stuff of your own you don't mind destroying or that you actually want it to get destroied, you could also target one of your own creatures, making them sac 2 for your 2.

Unfortunately for me, i can only afford Butcher of Malakir
Posted By: Kariuko (10/18/2013 11:41:51 AM)


Is the commander version of this card legal in modern decks?

It would be a great addition for any zombie deck.
Posted By: Crawling_Chaos (11/27/2013 3:52:22 PM)


Combos with card linking.
Posted By: PopcornBunni (2/16/2014 8:31:42 PM)


Now easier to cast at 3bb and with flash as Dictate of erebos
Posted By: Rifts980 (4/17/2014 12:55:06 AM)


Blade of the Bloodchief, Viscera Seer, and this.

That would be one heck of a beatstick! Especially, in Multiplayer!
Posted By: KFrosty (6/3/2014 11:42:59 PM)


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