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1 of these: Lol.
2 of these: Rofl.
3 of these: Haxorz.
4 of these: Roflcopter.

Now then. Add in the other two cards with similar-ish effects (Norn's Annex and Ghostly Prison):

1 of any: Lol.
2 of any: Rofl.
3 of any: Haxorz.
4 of any: Roflcopter.
5 of any: OMGWTFBBQ!
6 of any: "You suck!"
7 of any: "I hate you!"
8 of any: "...Go die."
9 of any: "...."
10 of any: "Okay, what?"
11 of any: "Seriously, why are you doing this to me?!?"
12 of any: "Okay, once you hit TWO, I wasn't going to attack you. This is just plain overkill."

This card is officially fun.
Posted By: mrhardy12 (8/27/2011 2:47:15 PM)


I find this generally better than Norn's Annex, for several reasons:

1. If the opponent is playing white, Norn's Annex is five mana or three mana and four life for half the effect of Propaganda.
2. If the opponent attacking will one-swing you, then they'll probably just pay life to hit you. Propaganda doesn't have a life option. You pay two, or you don't get to attack.
3. If you're playing white, you can just use Ghostly Prison instead, as that's usable in most formats besides Standard and Extended.
4. Phyrexia is balls. Urza destroyed it for a reason.
5. Volrath is awesome, and so is Karn.
Posted By: MasterOfBearLore (10/30/2011 11:02:41 PM)


@ MasterofBearLore:
Except for item four, I completely agree with you. With Norn's Annex, an aggro deck can simply get ahead in a life race (that's what they're designed to do) and then trade life on a one-for-one basis after the Annex hits. The aggro deck doesn't have to slow it's board development at all against it. Propaganda forces aggressive decks to pay the one resource they usually don't have in abundance.

Also, the Annex is an artifact, which (in my metagame, at least) faces a lot more hate than an enchantment does.
Posted By: voyager1 (1/31/2012 7:08:02 AM)


This card has won me many a game with my multiplayer control deck. I put this out there early game and almost every time without fail, people will abstain from attacking me in the beginning because it slows down their mana curve.

...Then I take down their lands with Choke and Quicksilver Fountain and slap a Stormtide into play. Ahh, so much bliss.
Posted By: Hereditist (2/2/2012 8:27:09 AM)


I just want to point out that a literal reading of the updated text would mean no (or rather, very few) creatures can ever attack you, since most creatures can't be attacking you unless they first attack you, and this card says they can't attack you unless they're attacking you and their controller pays 2. =)
Posted By: matunos (2/23/2012 9:34:48 PM)


I have a question and forgive me if it sounds noobish... Why does a player get to pay cumulative costs to attack a creature if there are multiple Propagandas or Ghostly Prisons but don't get to pay a cumulative cost to untap a creature enchanted with multiple Paralyzes?
Posted By: Iasonas (7/17/2012 2:01:24 PM)


I'm a tad bit confused on how this card works. Does this effect both me and my opponent? Would we both have to pay the cost if we wanted to attack each other, even if I was the one who played this?
Posted By: CrimsonAssassin (8/4/2012 3:22:57 PM)


When this is played...Does this effect just the player or both player and planeswalker?
Posted By: Phillipe30310 (11/12/2012 7:58:31 AM)


Ironically, cards like this helped make me *more* of a target in my multiplayer decks. Or maybe it was Pendrell Mists, Puca's Mischief, Winter Orb, Dream Tides..

Nah it was probably this card. Haters gonna hate :p
Posted By: blurrymadness (1/18/2013 9:57:06 AM)


Does protection from blue counter this card? Or does a creature with protection from blue still need to pay to attack me?
Posted By: hedkaz (4/4/2013 5:01:52 PM)


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