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Door to Nothingness

Simply amazing in any 5 color deck!
Posted By: gab15 (7/8/2012 2:44:27 AM)


Hilarious landfall shenanigans, otherwise, just decent deck thinning.
Posted By: StreamHopper (7/9/2012 12:32:02 PM)


So.... I was just in absolute control of a 3 player FFA with some friends...

I have a deck based around copying creatures and I had a bunch of very powerful creatures under my control.

Friend A's Avenger of Zendikar was exiled by and oblivion ring owned by friend B.

I never play multiplayer so I didn't realize that killing a player removed all their permanents from player.

I killed friend B, bringing Avenger of Zendikar back into play under friend A's control (who already had 6 1/1's from playing it the first time now they have 14).

I think.. huh.. didn't expect that.. but that's okay.. i'm going to just copy it a bunch of times and swing for the win. All they have are a bunch of 0/1's..

Then they play this.

And i get hit with 14 8/9s.
Posted By: Eluem (8/17/2012 6:34:32 PM)


The Nissa Revane flavor text made me wish for another Nissa, not another Garruk... :C
Posted By: ThisisSakon (7/5/2012 6:45:51 PM)


It won't see competitive play, but Timmy came.
Posted By: Clicka (7/5/2012 3:59:50 PM)


If you can't figure out this game is fun because of the very vast variety of viable ways to play, and win, then you are simply retarded.

This is one of those cards that give birth to weird deck archetypes, and I love it. So what if it might not see standard play, this thing will be played hard everywhere else. Landfall loves this. Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle loves this. Games that go late love how much this baby will thin your deck and exelerate your mana. Johnny will love spending the next few weeks looking to break this. Wizards... I love you.

The Nissa flavor text has me hopeful for Nissa 2.0 in RTR!
Posted By: FirstPrime (7/6/2012 1:38:33 PM)


For three months we, can rampant growth into ranger's path into Boundless realms. And it will be glorious.
Posted By: awesomeperson007 (7/7/2012 1:37:55 PM)


When they previewed this it was only called EnergyRed
Posted By: Arachobia (7/10/2012 3:41:27 AM)


@ TimmyForever: Yeah I Know Right, It's Not Like You're Playing Green And Have Access To Mana Acceleration That Would Let You Play It Before You Have Seven Lands.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (8/1/2012 8:08:25 PM)


Admonition Angel, Rampaging Baloths, and Ob Nixilis have a new friend it seems. I'm not even discussing Lotus Cobra.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (8/14/2012 3:29:13 PM)


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