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Yeva- Why wait to get raped by bears?
Posted By: blindthrall (7/8/2012 7:59:09 AM)


I will definitely make a deck for her. Definitely. Omg Flash is the best ability in the game, haste? Omg no level. Hexproof? Omg Day of Judgment. But Flash, they SURPRISE your enemy. And make all your creatures have flash?? FLASHMAZING!!!
Posted By: Blackrun (7/10/2012 6:04:14 PM)


4/4 flash for 2GreenGreen is amazing. It gives all your green creatures flash.
...And its only 1$ with a >4 rating. Shows how much powercreep/spoiled kids their are.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (1/7/2013 10:15:58 PM)


Best combination I can think of in a Simic deck...

Yeva with attached Alpha Authority.. if your opponent plays their strongest card or the card that runs their deck... Flash in Progenitor Mimic, copy their card... then use Prey Upon and target their strongest card and Mimic and if you have a way of having Mimic stronger... Master Biomancer or such... Mimic will be stronger and they're monster will be dead... then next turn, you get a second copy of their monster and you'll totally have screwed them up...

Yes, it does take a lot to pull off.. but I'm sure you'll have ways of having what you need in play and the mana ready for it...
Posted By: Jezzatron (7/19/2013 7:02:48 AM)


I remember the hype before M13 this card was one of the "omfg this will break standard" and "THIS is what green needs; 3-4 of in every green deck" and I smile when I think of how little anyone even mentions it anymore. Of the 5 mono-coloured legends, to me it didn't particularly stand out; it was 3rd, if not 4th in terms of value but 'Flash' got so many people hot and bothered and, pardon the pun, blinded them to how limited this card is. When M13 finally did hit and cards were being played, this became used in less and less decks because it's just TOO narrow and doesn't REALLY help you; sure you can flash in as a combat trick and at end of turn, but if you're leaving 5-6 mana open all the time I'm sure your opponent knows that and the element of surprise is lost. So it sits there, waiting to get killed and only really giving your creatures pseudo-haste. Starting out at around 7-9 dollars this has since plummeted pretty badly (sitting at just under 2.00 right now) whereas Talrand, who... (see all)
Posted By: BiNexus (9/23/2012 11:33:37 AM)


First thought upon reading her flavor text: Yeva is a Weeping Angel...
Posted By: Nalanhata (8/17/2013 12:36:08 AM)


Green with flash is just insane. And she is an elf? Superb!
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/5/2012 5:19:52 PM)


hehe... bear cavalry
Posted By: Layk (8/7/2013 1:00:05 PM)


So who made the joke about her being a female flasher?
Posted By: EGarrett01 (10/7/2013 7:31:14 AM)


Use with Engulfing Slagwurm. Just for lolz.
Posted By: merlin34 (7/5/2012 3:55:49 PM)


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