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She has insanely funny synergy with Mycoloth in a Saproling deck.

Opponent plays Aggravate or something similar, Flash in Mycoloth atop the stack, Devour all your saprolings.

Instead of destroying your army, your opponent faces a now big and angry Mycoloth, who next turn pops out a new army double the size.

Yeah, it's fun to watch their faces after that.
Posted By: PD2525 (4/11/2013 12:40:15 PM)


Hidden Strings can help put her out turn 2 (if your 1 drop gets through for damage). After that she helps you make the most of hidden strings by casting your green fatties at the end of combat step.
Posted By: roguepariah (4/22/2013 7:19:25 AM)


It would be nice in a Simic deck. Save all of your mana for one of the high cost counters, and if you don't use one, cast a creature at the end of opponents turn.
Or flash in a strong creature, and give all you evolve creatures +1/+1, after opponents have declared blockers of attackers.
Posted By: yesennes (4/25/2013 9:03:46 PM)


Do you pronounce it "YEE-vuh" or "YAY-vuh"?
Posted By: ridiculousricky (5/8/2013 5:43:49 PM)


Sounds like a good synergy with Gruul, and Bloodrush- are you holding open Mana for creatures or for Bloodrush? Flash in a Wasteland Viper or use its ability?
Edit: Needs Hexproof, Alpha Authority or Mask of Avacyn ? 2nd amendment: Burning-tree Emissary
Posted By: TowerDefender (5/21/2013 1:40:59 PM)


Magic boils down to 'doing things' - the more things we can do the easier life gets. Yeva limits the number of things you can do (or might want to do) by adding some potentially nasty consequences to the list of things to consider.

Your opponent might have drawn three forests in a row and have nothing but land in their hand - but you don't know that when you are busy deciding if you want to attack into untapped mana or not.

Attacking into something flashed in with deathtouch is a great way to lose an expensive creature but watching Yeva flash in a Nacatl War-Pride at the end of your turn when you just swung with everything is a great way to lose a game.
Posted By: mobbedbysquirrels (5/30/2013 4:12:31 AM)


Posted By: Lord_of_phyrexia (7/26/2013 7:36:59 AM)


Yeva is so powerful. Shes an absolute house, and the only place i've played her is Modern. She's cute in casual I'm sure, and her flash ability allows for some whacky interactions I'm sure. But I'm telling you. She's a constructed powerhouse. I picked up 2 of her before a Modern tournament, threw her in my deck, and ended up riding her to victory in every game I drew her. So I didn't give her respect till I played her. She's very flexible, which is why she's good. She's removal, being a surprise blocker, or turning your green creatures in your hand into surprise removal spell. But she slips under counters, and lets your other green creatures do it too. She really saved me against counters. 5/5, but im so attached to her that might be a tad biased.
Posted By: krauser-gogetthegirl (11/3/2013 1:59:17 PM)


Love the art, looks great in foil. Pretty cool in an EDH deck.
Posted By: KevinL337 (3/26/2014 4:03:52 AM)


I have a question: I am building an Omnath decj and i am wondering which is the best between Yeva and Vedalken Orrery. Yeva is a green creature, but Vedalken Orrerry gives flash to everything I have. Can someone help me please
Posted By: TheGigiBeast (4/17/2014 3:31:37 AM)


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