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Community Rating: 3.859 / 5  (92 votes)
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Guys, just run him with Splinterfright.
You'll get plenty of things in your 'yard. Promise.
Posted By: infernox10 (9/23/2011 12:14:12 PM)


@FogRaider: Although most creatures besides come-into-play effect creatures don't do much if they get hit with removal.
Posted By: JanusAurelius (9/26/2011 11:13:13 PM)


If this card is PETA, does that make Victim of Night Michael Vick?

I love this card, but in my Spirit/Human deck all my tokens make it harder to get a big graveyard. :/ Regardless, I always get 2+ wolves despite him not fitting perfectly in my deck. I'll give em a 5/5.
Posted By: AlbinoSnowman (10/1/2011 8:10:21 PM)


Who let the dogs out?
Posted By: Zenzei (10/5/2011 10:40:00 AM)


People Eat Tasty Animals?
Posted By: DragonicSphinx (9/24/2011 12:08:30 AM)


Notice the wolf tokens DO NOT disappear! Very cool.

Lot of mana for a 3/4 that doesn't do anything if he dies to removal, BUT has the potential to win games with even a single swing in the right deck.

@J***: CiP creatures are one way to hedge bets against removal. Others are creatures with haste (good when enemy is tapped out or has sorcery-speed removal), creatures immune to one or more forms of common removal, creatures who recur themselves, and creatures with effects on death. This meets barely any of those conditions (doesn't die to Incinerate, at least), and costs five mana, which is quite a bit more than any removal spell will cost (even more than Day of Judgment). All this is to say that this card in particular is very vulnerable to removal, more so than average. But the ability for crazy game-winning swings might make it worth it.
Posted By: FogRaider (10/2/2011 11:16:27 PM)


With no ramp, and an aggressive deck, you can drop him mid-game, then swing for lethal pretty much every time. Coming with a 3/4 (or 4/5, or 5/6, if you have a Mayor of Avabruck or two out, and adding 5-6 2/2s along with it is a lot for any defender to handle. With the Mayor transformed, or a Terror of Kruin Pass out, it gets even better. Big wolves out of nowhere, that are evasive enough that at least half of them should get through? Yes, please.

RDW seems to be leaning toward R/G aggro with this set, and I like it.
Posted By: AlmightyTallest (10/4/2011 1:20:58 PM)


I'll stick with Nacatl Warpride. They have totally different uses most of the time. While they can both act as finishers, the Warpride tends to obliterate the opponents position. Also note that the Warpride gets huge guys through.

Good card though, 3.5/5
Posted By: blurrymadness (10/15/2011 1:42:37 PM)


atack..fog and next turn use master of the wild hunt
Posted By: Telc1991 (10/18/2011 7:56:17 AM)


Love this guy and Divine Reckoning. Fill your graveyard with mana-dorks that you don't need anymore, and swing away!
Posted By: Longshanks126 (11/13/2011 7:48:51 PM)


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