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He won me several games in the prerelease, with his buddy corpsejack menace. Especially the fact that the opponent doesn't know how high you can pump him at instant speed, combined with trample, helped a lot.
Posted By: majinara (10/15/2012 4:56:42 AM)


The best way to have fixed him was to just make him a troll.

A Zombie Troll means that once you've dicarded Gravecrawler, guess who could come back for some fun?

That being said, I am a little disappointed that it wasn't like Bloodthrone Vampire: sacrifice a creature to give it power. A Rare Nantuko Husk with Trample would've been just as, if not, more broken than this is now. That way, Gravecrawler can get a great Bloodghast-like work-out.

Either way, amazing card. It's very "all in", so it's easy to deal with in Modern/legacy (Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, etc.). Standard? Not so much...
Posted By: Ferlord (10/19/2012 10:22:05 PM)


Absolutely disgusting. It'll be a common sight for this guy to start swinging as a regenerating, trampling 4/3 on turn 3 after someone discards a Slitherhead and scavenges it. At drafts.

And it just gets worse from there. It's almost enough to make someone hate draft all the black and green from the start.
Posted By: Enemy_Tricolor (10/20/2012 6:05:44 PM)


Combine with Bonehoard and Gravecrawler and we'll see how terifyfing an army of the dead can REALLY BE!
Posted By: Xineombine (10/21/2012 3:24:28 PM)


This guy reminds me of Odyssey block creatures like Wild Mongrel and Psychatog, although having to discard a creature card makes him a lot more narrow.

With 8 GB dual lands in Standard he could curve nicely into and set up a decent-sized T3 Splinterfright, but he will also be a prime bounce candidate if those effects continue to see play after Vapor Snag rotates.

Also could be fun to throw Slitherheads into the GY for extra +1/+1 counters.
Posted By: CronenMorley (10/23/2012 5:56:09 AM)


massive potential here. he can feed so much stuff.
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (10/23/2012 8:01:44 AM)


People keep talking Slitherhead and Gravecrawler. Has no one thought to throw Wreath of Geists on this guy?
Posted By: RedJaron (10/30/2012 8:12:36 AM)


must... get... detention sphere...
Posted By: needwater97 (10/31/2012 1:18:13 PM)


This guy, is by all means, a tank in limited. I got him out second turn, discarded two Slitherheads, then scavenged them both to the troll. 6/5 trample on second turn.
Posted By: EKraj (11/10/2012 11:26:20 AM)


I think its safe to say he's the new Putrid Leech, both being brilliant competitive cards.
Posted By: CORRBentOrgy (11/14/2012 11:30:56 PM)


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