Havengul Lich is probably his best friend. BUG zombies anyone?
Posted By:
(11/27/2012 11:14:51 AM)
slitherhead, gravecrawler, and dregscape zombie are all zombies that work wonders with him.
Posted By:
(11/28/2012 5:34:59 PM)
Amazing card for Scavenge decks, but can also fit into a Dredge deck.
Put him down turn 2, then discard Golgari-Grave Troll, Golgari Thug, or Stinkweed Imp. Then Dredge, and discard again. Not as fast as the Slitherhead + Ghoulcaller's Chant + Scavenge combo, but I'll take filling up my yard quickly than having an 8/7 Trampler that is kinda vulnerable when you don't have any mana open for his regen cost.
All in all, a great card for any Golgari and B/G Zombie deck. Surprisingly, he's also kinda cheap now. Currently... *looks up price* ...4 bucks?!? What madness is this?!
Posted By:
(12/3/2012 7:11:47 AM)
When this card was spoiled people thought it was fake because of how good it seemed. Even in the comment section now people are just going on about how hard it is to kill and how they would love to use it/hate to face it.
Yet it's a cheap rare that sees little competitive play. It's almost sad that with Thragtusk, Restoration Angel and Snapcaster taking up all the creature slots lately that we don't get to see guys like loltroll shine.
Posted By:
(12/9/2012 9:54:30 PM)
Card is awesome. Good discard outlet, low regen cost, and it has trample? I just realized you can only discard creature cards to it. That makes it meh.
Posted By:
(12/17/2012 3:04:28 AM)
We've started calling this guy LL Troll J.
Posted By:
(1/17/2013 8:07:16 PM)
Slitherhead may be his favorite snack, but Veilborn Ghoul is his favorite meal.
Posted By:
(2/4/2013 10:52:05 PM)
Exhibits cannibalistic behavior during territorial disputes between other trolls.
Posted By:
(2/14/2013 7:51:32 PM)
Solid card for reanimation or Zombie. Or even any deck that requires graveyard presence. Trample, Regeneration, and 2/1 for B/G? And it can self pump? 4.5/5
Posted By:
(2/20/2013 5:41:40 AM)
A 2/1 with Trample that can regenerate for 1 mana? For 2cmc that's already good.
Add in the fact that it's gets bigger while also enabling recursion decks (which happen to be my fave)? Makes him even more useful.
Will fit well in my B/G Recurring Nightmare deck. Birds of Paradise Turn 1; Buried Alive or this guy Turn 2 depending what's in hand. I think I like.
4/5. Fun and versatile.
Edit: He favorite snacks are clearly Vengevine and Basking Rootwalla :)
Posted By:
(3/2/2013 11:29:04 AM)