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Community Rating: 3.303 / 5  (71 votes)
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Overload is cheap and works great with Tamiyo, the Moon Sage's second ability.
Posted By: Xycolian (10/1/2012 9:48:09 PM)


A fun card - watch every other creature end up tapped and then let the hilarity begin, especially in a game with many players!
Posted By: Radagast (10/5/2012 5:40:18 PM)


While playing a three player game, I kept overloading this each turn and had Charmbreaker Devils there to give me it back to do it again. The guy with the turn after me had the dilemma of attacking the player who has all tapped creatures or the one who didn't.

Needless to say, the player who we kindofsorta teamed up on was livid that game.
Posted By: Simirror (6/25/2013 6:37:30 PM)


@ sincleanser
Sleep may be a bit less versatile in terms of cost but it's still better.
You can use Sleep before attacking to have no oppositors and to save yourself from an attack next turn. With Bluster, you can use it to attack with no blockers OR to save yourself, not both. Plus, you might not want to (voice of resurgence) or be able to (grand abolisher) play it on your opponents turn to defend yourself.

I use this when 4 Sleeps isn't enough
Posted By: Kariuko (9/23/2013 10:56:01 AM)


Oh god. I don't know what to do for my izzet deck - do I go with the superior but boring and no-flavour Gigadrowse or with this much funnier, izzet themed yet costlier and non-land tapping card?

Or go with two of both and just say that "what if I have to tap a token army?" while in reality I just got it for flavour and art?

The Izzet in me tells me to just field 4 gigadrowse, 2 blustersquall and tap everything forever.

anyways rating it 4 out of 5 because in the rare occasion that you really do need to tap a lot of creatures, it's better than Gigadrowse but in every other occasion I'd rather have the ability to tap lands.
Posted By: Galf506 (1/23/2014 9:04:22 AM)


Is there like a little competitions between magic artists to try and out-cleavage eachother?
Posted By: CammyWhite (9/26/2012 2:13:10 PM)


Don't you hate it when you leave your arm vacuum on reverse?
Posted By: Demento_Recraves (9/26/2012 2:12:26 AM)


"In response to Dichotomancy resolving..."
Posted By: LordRandomness (9/27/2012 4:19:09 AM)


She'd tap all your opponent's creatures, if you know what I mean. Like, in front of you. While you watched. Because you ordered her too as the planes-walker that summoned her. You dirty old man.
Posted By: RAV0004 (9/28/2012 5:03:41 PM)


Welcome back, Gigadrowse. We've missed you.
Posted By: syrazemyla (10/1/2012 2:36:46 PM)


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