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I would love to see people's heads explode in his presence.
Posted By: syrazemyla (9/25/2012 9:36:42 PM)


Finisher in R/U control decks maybe?
Posted By: .Blaze. (9/25/2012 6:27:36 PM)


"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Niv-Mizzet...Dracogenius."
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (9/25/2012 8:37:41 PM)


So... They slapped Curioity on Shivan Hellkite and reduced the CMC?

Good card design though. It's the only pinger that really makes you have to choose between pinging an opponent and pinging a creature. One scenario I like is if your opponent controls a 2/2 with flying and you have to decide whether you should ping it twice and ping an opponent once so Niv can't be blocked (2 cards, 6 damage), just ping the opponent all 3 times and let Niv get blocked (3 cards, 3 damage, or use some of the mana to cast a spell in your hand (?). It adds a lot of complexity that normal pingers don't, in that way I think Niv-Mizzet, the Curious Hellkite is better than the original.
Posted By: infinight (9/27/2012 7:16:57 PM)


Not as combo-friendly as his older version, but certainly more destructive. The old Niv is more blue friendly while new Niv more red friendly.

That said, he combos with himself, what a genius...
Posted By: Cyberium (9/25/2012 11:51:57 PM)


I like this one a lot. I think the other Niv makes a better general, but this one's still getting a slot in my deck, especially given how well the two work together.

Also, interestingly enough, in a pinch you can zap yourself with this guy if you find your opponents suddenly Hexproofed or Shrouded and you really need to draw a card.

Well put. You've succinctly summed up my own opinions on this card.
Posted By: SirMalkin (9/26/2012 10:18:32 AM)


Combos with himself.
Posted By: Continue (10/29/2012 9:16:09 PM)


Is it wrong that every time I get this out when playing I make my voice sound like Wile E. Coyote and say: "Niv-Mizzet...DRACOGENIUS!" ? Or, is that exactly what we all should be doing?
Posted By: metabreed (4/1/2013 10:47:17 AM)


I think this guy should have another ability:

2BlueBlueRedRed: Search your library for a card named Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind and put it into play. Shuffle your library.

We all know NM is so in love with himself he'd probably find a way to go back in time and bring Firemind forward. Because in his mind, the only thing better than him is two of him, right?
Posted By: Lyoncet (9/26/2012 3:01:17 PM)


Mmmh, give him Double Strike even, which is helpfully in Red. Actually, that's some very brilliant card design, I have to admit. Niv-Mizzet is so prideful, you want to pander to him by devoting your resources to maximizing his abilities. Use your intellect and impulses to have an insightful deck building idea!

I propose a challenge to the Johnnies. I can sort of figure this one out, but I'm mostly stumped and would like to see feedback from others.

Spell out the "(Z–>)90º – (E–N²W)90ºt = 1" formula in gameplay. Or in other words, have 26 permanents (for the 26th letter of the alphabet) that you tap (thus rotating them 90 degrees) in order to trigger an Effect that subtracts a resource that starts with N from your opponent twice or geometrically repeats itself. End the situation with all 26 permanents untapped immediately before your opponent loses the game.

Posted By: Nucleon (9/25/2012 3:48:04 PM)


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