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Community Rating: 4.173 / 5  (133 votes)
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This guy with Mentor of the Meek also sounds fun, maybe enough to build Omniscience around for a solid card-draw outlet.
Posted By: Lumovanis (7/18/2012 4:03:49 PM)


@ancienttimer Yeah maybe but it's supposed to be used with instants and sorceries which blue is supposed to be good at.
Posted By: Happyface1515 (8/11/2012 9:40:49 AM)


Combos with Snapcaster Mage.
Posted By: Ligerman30 (7/18/2012 12:21:39 PM)


Fly my pretties, fly!
Posted By: Glech (7/8/2012 5:50:13 AM)


we need more good drakes
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (7/5/2012 8:16:48 PM)


Really cool card. I just don't know quite how viable he is for the draw-go finisher role compared to other cards we've seen. (Granted most of them are rotating, but that just makes the archetype worse; it doesn't really make this card better.) He combos well with the instants you'll be running anyways, sure. But draw-go decks also have very low threat density. Their win conditions usually need to give instant or near-instant advantage, like Grave Titan or Consecrated Sphinx, or to be resilient, like Sphinx of Jwar Isle. But this guy doesn't have either of those things. Sure, he's cheaper, but he's very likely to die without giving you anything in return, which isn't helped by the 2 in the back. Yes, he does give great incremental advantage, he's reeeaaalllly slllloooooowwww compared to traditional draw-go standbys, which gives your opponent time to find answers or break out of your lock.

However, if you can ... (see all)
Posted By: Lyoncet (7/27/2012 1:06:14 PM)


I really like him as a general in EDH. You can pretty much just build a solid mono-blue control deck with lots of card draw and other fun shenanigans, then throw him in as the commander to get some drakes whenever he happens to be on the field.

I've always been told that the best generals in EDH are the ones that greatly improve their deck when they're out, but aren't required to make the deck run. Talrand seems pretty perfect in this respect, at least in my eyes.
Posted By: Lief098 (7/31/2012 6:56:43 PM)


As if Delver decks needed another boost. Good job wizards -_-
Posted By: Hermeezey (8/26/2012 4:45:38 AM)


This guy is AMAZING in my draw-go deck. Really sweet when you have two of them out at the same time. Oh, you aren't going to give me a creature to counter? Okay, I'll just cast think twice TWICE at the end of your turn, placing two 2/2 flyers onto the battlefield under my control. Oh, it is my turn now? Yeah, I can attack with my two 2/2 flyers now. Just friggin sweet this guy.
Posted By: saucyninja007 (11/12/2012 12:57:46 AM)


I get the feeling I'm going to be seeing this guy used as an EDH general a lot.
Hell, I'm even mulling it over.
Posted By: N3wtn (7/23/2012 12:55:37 AM)


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