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Community Rating: 4.173 / 5  (133 votes)
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Love the card... hate that merfolk have legs. I'm sorry wotc, but wtf!@? Merfolk don't have legs... it would totally ruin the plot of the Little Mermaid, and it REALLY ruins the flavor of merfolk in magic. Merfolk with legs just aren't as cool as half fish people. It's like giving a centaur regular legs and a horse tail and saying he's still a centaur. It just ruins it!!

Who ever said merfolk don't make sense in magic because uhhhh they can't walk on land needs to reexamine the game. You can equip a mountain goat with a giant sword, hell... you can equip a Fog Bank with a suit of armor... things in this game don't always have to make sense! Merfolk are cool, SHIPS are cool; blue is missing the obvious naval component to its island based power.
Posted By: Slimbokid (7/8/2012 7:08:38 PM)


Will see play in weak formats.
Posted By: WanderleiSilva (7/19/2012 3:21:47 PM)


Yeah sure! Now even Blue is better than Green in producing creatures. I'm getting sick of continuously changing color pie.

Thanks R&D for an overpowered & totally out of flavor creature.
Posted By: AncientTimer (8/6/2012 5:15:23 AM)


Yet another overpowered card to run In my Izzet Edh, though an interesting question since worldfire is in my there (my friends don't follow the banlist) if i worldfire talrand does the drakeenter play before or after the wipe?
Posted By: Osprey_93 (10/6/2012 12:34:20 PM)


How is his rating so low? He's amazing.
Posted By: Doaj (7/5/2012 6:14:44 PM)


What a bad-ass.
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (7/6/2012 5:27:43 PM)


A great win condition for control decks, and also triggers 'whenever a creature comes into play' type of effects.
Posted By: Cyberium (7/6/2012 9:03:06 PM)


me and my friends went to the prerealse and bought 3 of the intro decks. the ones with Krenko, mob boss Talrand, Sky summoner and Yeva, nature's Hearld and the intro decks coem with 2 boosters each, both me and my friend pulled the legendarys from the deck a Yeva and another Talrand while my other friend didnt get anyhting cool haha
Posted By: MoonMistWolf (7/12/2012 8:54:09 AM)


Pays for itself quickly. Ponder, Vapor Snag...heck, Gitaxian Probe can get you a 2/2 flyer for no mana at all!
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (7/12/2012 5:55:34 PM)


Can anyone tell me if this works with isochron scepter?
Posted By: CrispusAllen26 (7/18/2012 12:10:15 PM)


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