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Community Rating: 1.895 / 5  (38 votes)
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I would have liked this at 3 mana, as another superior Horned Turtle variant.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (7/8/2012 3:14:40 PM)


The only reason I can see running this in limited is if you pulled a Jace, Memory Adept and are really set on mill as your win con. Even then you would probably be better off just running more control and draw cards, making it more likely for you to get Jace out. The only saving grace is that it is mill on a stick, but your opponent will mill himself anyway over time.
Posted By: Pinto331 (7/21/2012 12:40:35 PM)


I like this guy.
He's full of flavor.
Posted By: MillingMaster (11/11/2013 7:58:54 AM)


The Entrancer has a couple of advantages over the Mesmerist, both tied to the higher toughness: He's a better blocker, and he can take a Magma Jet or Lightning Strike. As for direct kill spells? That's what counterspells are for.
Posted By: Manite (6/9/2014 3:13:18 PM)


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