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Community Rating: 4.467 / 5  (90 votes)
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Turns a pair of AEther Adepts into unsummons with buyback. Fun times.
Posted By: LordRandomness (11/27/2011 2:29:58 PM)


all the cards that have to do with balance are good, including balance, stasis, and this.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (12/4/2011 12:11:13 PM)


Have fun abusing him with your snappies
Posted By: good.beats.for.all (5/31/2012 6:24:13 AM)


carnival of souls, 2 ornithopter, and angelic chorus is infinite life. with two of the carnivals, it is infinite mana.
Posted By: bantar (6/18/2012 4:45:43 PM)


Quite a useful and powerful card. It will certainly shift the board to your favor if you can bounce an opponent's creature every time you play one of your own.

Can also be used to re-use enter the battlefield effects of your own creatures, as others have mentioned.
Posted By: tantallum99 (7/5/2012 3:47:52 PM)


Hi guys, first post. I have a question regarding this card. Is it legal to pay the mana cost to return more than one creature once you have successfully cast a creature spell. Example....I cast one creature spell, and have 3 unused manna remaining. Can I activate equilibrium three times, or just once?
Posted By: parsifal59 (8/3/2012 11:29:42 AM)


Storm Crow {1}{1}{U}
When you cast Storm Crow, return target creature to its owner's hand.

See? Equilibrium makes ANY card a decent card!
Posted By: shotoku64 (12/12/2012 9:38:59 AM)


The first rare I ever drew and still one of my favorites. Combos incredibly well with Aluren.

I built a deck around that combo utilizing cards with ETB card draw effects that cost 3 cmc or less, like Carven Caryatid, Wall of Blossoms, Wall of Omens, and Coiling Oracle. Since it is already a defender heavy deck, I use Overgrown Battlement for mana-ramp. I use Sterling Grove to tutor and/or protect the key enchantments. Lightning Greaves allows for infinite mana abuse by after I pop the Battlements in and out of play with the Aluren/Equilibrium combo.

Typical result, anywhere from turn 5 to turn 8 I'm able to go through my deck at will to drop my win condition: an unblockable (due to either Venser, the Sojourner or Jhessian Balmgiver) Primalcrux with a couple... (see all)
Posted By: AssKickingBoots (7/20/2013 12:19:56 PM)


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