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Community Rating: 2.806 / 5  (36 votes)
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Pretty great with Thatcher Revolt or Krenko's Command or Captain's Call or Gather the Townsfolk etc. etc. Then you can also have out Unruly Mob and Riot Ringleader and Cathars' Crusade. And don't forget Elder Cathar and Thraben Sentry.

Is this basically my pauper deck? Why yes, yes it is.
Posted By: demonpants (10/26/2012 11:39:30 AM)


I'd consider this a strong finisher for 4-mana. Take any number of 2-3 token dropping cards (some even at instant speed) and this guy becomes quite dangerous as a mana efficient flyer! For common and for 4 mana, this is *quite* good.
Posted By: blurrymadness (12/26/2012 10:07:29 AM)


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