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@ deadapult13 - Exsanguinate is still standard. And great for multiplayer.
Posted By: Kruggles (7/25/2012 12:42:05 AM)


wow griselbrand, and the Sorin/Sorin's vengeance combo are viable in standard
Posted By: kyp48 (7/25/2012 10:27:34 AM)


It's not that I don't like the art: the art is great. But that isn't Liliana. The face is all wrong, structurally. It's really apparent in planeswalker videos where they feature her art on other cards.
Posted By: ZEvilMustache (7/29/2012 6:33:50 AM)


Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth does nothing to lands in your library, it effects lands you control, not land cards you own
Posted By: LordOfGraves (7/30/2012 4:13:24 PM)


Pulled her at the prerelease. She's okay. She'll thin your deck and help you hit your land drops, and her -3 is handy as either removal or buffing your evasive guy (like my Tormented Soul). I might stick her in my monoblack infect.

Also, she looks like a man now. I think she stole Garruk's steroids after beating him up.
Posted By: merlin34 (8/2/2012 11:03:04 AM)


I love it. Drop her, fetch, fetch, fetch, ulti, drop, say, Griselbrand on turn 6, with the rest of your hand, get it back, then drop some more. You end up basically playing your hand every turn. Can also be used well with Vampire Nocturnus, to both thin swamps out of your deck so vampires stay pumped, and as a free shuffle if there is a swamp on top. She doesn't singlehandedly win games, but she's sooooo useful, and goes very far with helping you win.

TL;DR: She generates card advantage out the ass, can kill /or buff/ (which a lot of people seem to ignore) a creature, and if her ulti goes off, there's so much you can do with it, even in standard. 5/5 in my book, for being the perfect utility card in my MBC.
Posted By: NoIHavent (8/4/2012 2:29:19 PM)


I don't like it. Why? Because Mono black control is a modern deck. And modern mono black control already has two really really good four drops You know, that Abyssal Persecutor Guy? He has another angry rival contending for four drop, and Korlash does a much better job of ramping than Liliana. He actually ramps the lands right out! Oh, and you can corrupt like that. And it WORKS.
Posted By: JackTheStripper (8/5/2012 1:17:45 AM)



Someone else is welcome to correct me if I am wrong but I'm pretty sure your brother is right. To give an example, imagine you're running a deck with Venser, the Sojourner and he's in play and free to use his abilities, Liliana of Dark Realms comes into play and she uses her +1, then Venser can blink her out. The game rules dictate that the Liliana that returns to play is not the same one that left so she's free to use her +1 again. Same outcome, just a different scenario. The Liliana that your brother plays is regarded as a new instance of her and he's free to use its abilities.
Posted By: Kefale (8/5/2012 5:23:53 PM)


Kefale is correct. It is viewed as a new card and is free to do what it can within the rules. If you could cloudshift a planeswalker, it would be become really op.
Posted By: Odium1995 (8/5/2012 10:55:54 PM)



Venser is a terrible example, she would return in the end step and be unable to use her loyalty abilities regardless.
Posted By: Latronis (8/6/2012 2:02:13 AM)


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