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She... casts her own dark rituals.
Posted By: The_AC (2/2/2013 7:06:14 PM)


If she survived her -3 ability, then she would've been quite a bit more playable.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (2/10/2013 1:53:11 PM)


she was super good... until they printed Crypt Ghast. I'd take either of the other, more graveyard centered Lili's any day tho
Posted By: Smoke_Stack (3/3/2013 4:36:45 PM)


+1 her so you can repeatably:
Raven's Crime
Worm Harvest
Waterfront Bouncer
Mind Over Matter
Mageta the Lion
Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
Seismic Assault

Of course, you could just smash them long-game with Cursed Scroll.

Ultimate her to cast Magister Sphinx with Sorin's Vengeance, which can finish the game that turn...with 4 swamps out.
Posted By: MattLynn (3/12/2013 1:25:01 PM)


You can always dump the extra mana into shades if you're running mono black and don't have a better plan, I guess. Combo with a couple Liliana's Shades and her +1 ability to thin your deck of a crapload of swamps. Your draw chances ought to improve quite a bit, and the shade will be a very big potential creature before long.

For mono black control: She'll help mutilate cover your board wipes and get around Protection by providing swamps, her -3 ability will allow a more discretionary targeting of Indestructible creatures, and your Murders will then be allowed to take care of softer targets.

She does lack some of the outright power of other planeswalkers, but the combos are most certainly there. The most obvious being any card requiring X mana can be pumped like crazy. Outside of mono black she can shine even more.
Posted By: Stuflames (3/25/2013 10:20:45 AM)


Card advantage/deck thinning + mediocre kill spell. Seems like a plausible addition to MBC; though Veil is very very difficult to push off her perch; except her $30+ cost.
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/7/2013 1:27:53 PM)


I was told nothing good came out of M13 and I looked at him and said are calling my Liliana bad.
Posted By: Westertin (6/13/2013 5:36:05 AM)


Love this card. I prefer planeswalkers being balanced and not simply the best cards to have. They are always going to be cool so long as you don't make them suck, but they don't need to be brokenly overpowered or made into a staple card for the colour.

I use this in my Vish Kal EDH deck which is almost mono black to make use of cabal coffers and black-heavy card draw like necropotence.

If I ever combine this card's -6 ability with debt to the deathless, it will be glorious.

Why not sorin markov (-3 ability) + sorin's vengeance? That way, you can even stay in mono black.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/27/2013 6:25:14 AM)


She would've been solid if she didn't instantly die from her minus ability.
Posted By: mdakw576 (7/4/2013 4:16:02 AM)


She is absolutely great at triggering landfall on my bloodghast her ult could use some love though
Posted By: Saltz (7/18/2013 9:05:09 AM)


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