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Also works well with Underworld Dreams + Megrim/Liliana's Caress deck to replenish your opponent's hand, then Mind Rot (or equivalent).
Posted By: spartanvi (8/30/2012 11:14:09 PM)


Want to know the truth? When this made its first appearance, I used x4 in a deck with Megrim and Liliana Vess. I only used this card to refill my opponents hand after they had no hand left, and then make them discard it.

I thought this was an amazing card just for that! It won me tons of games! Then when I started playing online, I realized everyone was using it on themselves on turn 2. I was kind of surprised, but at least I wasn't using this when my opponent had a hand full of cards already! Lol

No I just confirmed it with an ORC. You actually have to make them discard a card for them to take damage with megrim. "That person is pretty misinformed" ~ORC Calliope

Edit: ORCs are > Judges because they have access to the current official rules and never tell you the wrong thing. I have seen plenty of judges give false information out in my time.

@Blackhawk: ORC is the WotC employees on Magic the Gathering Online to help you out wit... (see all)
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (3/27/2013 4:25:23 PM)


Great card. In the early game, give yourself some card advantage. In the very late game, kill your opponent. And all for 2 mana.

@atemu1234: No that's ridiculous. If there are no cards to discard, you can't be forced to discard. It's like saying if you have 1 life, you can pay 7 life to activate Griselbrand's ability.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (4/3/2013 4:08:47 PM)


@thewrathofshane Did you know they can discard cards while they have no cards in their hand
Edit: Actually asked a judge. You can. No cards go to the graveyard, but it still activates things like Megrim's ability.
Posted By: atemu1234 (1/25/2013 12:05:30 PM)


Mono black might be back with this, Murder, Vampire Knighthawk and Nocturnus!
Posted By: SgtSwaggr (7/5/2012 6:09:55 PM)


Looks like this set is trying to make up for how bad Avacyn Restored was for black. Vey happy to see this back.
Posted By: .Blaze. (7/5/2012 6:20:58 PM)


Sign in Blood is a perfect encapsulation of black flavor.
Posted By: lorendorky (7/6/2012 2:18:57 PM)


Awesome card. Maybe not the best black card draw, but it does everything it needs to well.

I miss the M10 flavor text though, evil as hell.

And I've definitely scored a kill or two with it.
Posted By: SuicidalTendancies (7/8/2012 10:58:46 AM)


This is awesome card advantage. You can play it early, and since black has plenty of ways to gain life, maim, dismember, mutilate, murder and obliterate, the 2 life is nothing compared to the 2 cards.

Not to mention you can play it on your opponent for that last 2 damage! I will *never* forget the look on my friend's face when I topdecked THIS and killed him with it during a limited match!
Posted By: CorkBulb (8/29/2012 11:37:14 PM)


Night's Whisper works in more decks but doesn't allow for an opponent finisher.
Posted By: wholelottalove (9/30/2012 6:14:54 AM)


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