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Community Rating: 4.174 / 5  (238 votes)
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Enchant this with Gift of Orzhova and you will...
Wait a little....
Posted By: Red-White (1/30/2013 6:13:02 AM)


Hands down one of the best creatures I have ever seen. Scares the crap out of anyone to see him across the board. He kills anything and stops your opponent's flying fatty. Gives you life on offense or defense. You can't help but love it.

Combo it with Frontline Medic and you'll win a lot of games in standard.
Posted By: GhostCounselor (4/2/2013 7:28:24 AM)


Extremely powerful card. Anything good in nearly every type of black deck in every format deserves to be highly respected.

Should definitely have been a 1/3 though. It would still be a great card at that; difficult to block and the choice chump blocker for fatties because of the flying / deathtouch but with a reduced aggro impact and lifelink effectiveness, which I think is more balanced for 1BB.
Posted By: Domislice (5/22/2013 4:15:29 AM)


5/5 for my second favorite Black card ever printed, I love Vampires, I love 3 drops (Liliana of the Veil) being my favorite, I love the artwork, and this guy wins game by himself. Worst case you draw out opponent's removal for your 3 drop so you are safe when your 5 or 6 drop hits the battlefield!
Posted By: Silence9 (5/25/2013 8:16:59 AM)


Excellent combo with Stromkirk Captain obviously, but if you want to have real fun with that throw in a Curse of the Nightly Hunt.
Posted By: Osprey_93 (7/5/2013 1:38:06 AM)


Could have easily been a rare, but I am grateful its not. Would have increased the price dramatically.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/11/2013 12:19:36 AM)


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