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Community Rating: 3.636 / 5  (92 votes)
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Woo! The savior of multi-colored pauper decks! And with new artwork and flavor text! I'm...just not sure how the flavor works with the setting. But I suddenly don't care! Yay!
Posted By: Totema (1/27/2012 12:45:10 AM)


So instead of just 4 Terramorphic Expanse I can now put 8?

Sounds a bit of a overkill to me unless you are running some land oriented deck
Posted By: Paladin85 (1/27/2012 1:34:52 AM)


Commander Review: it's a solid addition to deck with three or more colors. It's a tad slow but gives you what you need without further mana investment, and slightly filters your library. Better with rings of brighthearth, crucible of worlds and so on. :)
Posted By: majinara (1/28/2012 12:23:09 AM)


Don't much care for the re-packaging. Doesn't make much sense for Innistrad. It isn't a chaotic mass of a world like Zendikar was, it's wilds don't "Evolve."
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (4/24/2012 7:42:36 AM)


so... that's thaben cathedral? It seems sad to me that Thalia, for all of her central-character themed goodness, has crappy quotes on every single card she bothers to talk bout. the picture is beautiful, but doenst represent the supa-fast land changing qualities that previous versions of evolving wilds and terramorphic expanse have.
Posted By: RAV0004 (1/27/2012 2:17:04 PM)


*cough* Crucible of Worlds *cough*
Posted By: MicrosizeMe (3/13/2012 1:45:37 PM)


Poor mans mana fixer. It works fine, but runs the risk of slowing your tempo.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/21/2012 4:34:59 PM)


I wish I hadn't just bought 4 copies for one of my decks. If I had known this gorgeous art was going to see print I would have waited.
Posted By: sarroth (1/28/2012 7:25:24 PM)


Seems like the only reason this is currently rated significantly lower than the Rise of the Eldrazi print is due to the questionable flavor of this card in Innistrad block. There was some forcing and lack of creative insertion on the parts of the designers with this one. I think improved flavor text would have done a lot for this print's rating.
Posted By: humor_love (3/20/2012 10:26:21 AM)


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