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Community Rating: 4.319 / 5  (58 votes)
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Should be 4.5 stars.
Posted By: JimmyCricket2 (5/29/2012 1:05:28 AM)


Strange retemplating for Red Elemental Blast, to accomodate color-changing shenanigans that tickled the fancies of the earliest Johnnies. However, I don't think it's necessary, nowadays, due to how the stack works (it didn't really exist, back then.) Simply change the color, allow the color-changing spell to resolve, then cast Red Elemental Blast or whatever.
Posted By: Lord_Ascapelion (11/7/2012 9:43:03 PM)


Wicked side board card. Force of WhaT? eat my elemental blast!
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/3/2013 2:50:02 PM)


"You can misdirect (take your pick of similar spells) away from your blue card to whatever permanent you want, making it fizzle. REB requires an additional blue spell or permanent to be turned away."

Any way to do that in Pauper (MTGO or print), or is Pyroblast strictly better there?
Posted By: seahen (12/23/2013 1:18:28 PM)


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