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Yet another excuse to use Dream Halls. Maybe even cast a Man-O'-War (Then do it again.)
Posted By: morningstar1978 (6/5/2012 1:10:19 AM)


The reminder text gave me the same sinister grin as Contagion Engine's.
Posted By: tankthebest (6/9/2012 10:49:50 PM)


I run Maelstrom in the Animar EDH set up, usually making him a simple RUG to cast. Often I find that having Momir Vig, Simic Visionary is game ending when Maestrom hits the board. Stack the triggers like this: Momir blue, cascade, cascade, momir green. Momir green fetches Avenger of Zendikar. Cascade plays Avenger, triggering another Momir green. Momir green fetches Primeval Titan dropping a couple lands to pump Avenger's plants to 2/3's and triggering another Momir green. Fetch something like Solemn Simulacrum. Momir blue resolves, giving Solemn in hand and by now, he's usually free with Animar's stack of counters. Drop Solemn and make them plants into 3/4's. Drop your land for the turn for 4/5 plants. And then... iono, swing with your mass hasted army? Primeval drops a couple more lands and pumps the plants to 6/7.

I dunno about you, but from just having a momir vig, an animar, and enough ... (see all)
Posted By: eksentrysyti (7/15/2012 2:43:17 AM)


I run this big guy as the general of a rug EDH deck, and the deck is amazing with him at the helm. The deck is about 50% fatties and 50% ramp, so the plan is that I ramp into home, and either cascade into fatties or it cascades into ramp that sets me up to cast the monsters in my hand. What I've found, is that this deck can take the swingiest turns ever. A lot of times I won't even have a creature out until turn 8, then cast him and cascade into a balefire dragon and loxodon warhammer and that's usually game
Posted By: Colossus_of_Darkstee (7/20/2012 9:30:33 AM)


@gman92: It does appear on Contagion Engine. Ah, "then do it again" always heralds good, good times.
Posted By: Axelle (8/12/2012 8:28:19 PM)


Yo dawg, I heard you like cascade. So I put some Bloodbraid Elf in your Etherium-Horn Sorceror, so you can Maelstrom Wanderer while you Shardless Agent.
Posted By: EnV (11/10/2012 11:46:50 PM)


@kajisana: no, cascade only triggers when you cast the spell (be it normally from your hand or through some other effect like Djinn of Wishes. General cheating into play (with Flash or Elvish Piper, for example) doesn't work.
@ElCarl: I can't blame you for not supposing an opponent had Wild Ricochet in hand, but that loss was sort of avoidable. If you had decided to cast the Worldly Tutor from the 2nd cascade you could have set up a creature for the 3rd cascade to hit.

And this gains thumbs up for being the only cascade which works with Cream of the Crop.
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (11/27/2012 4:17:10 PM)


When I first saw this, I was surprised double cascade hadn't been done before. It seems like this set is being used to do things like this, i.e. make cards they wish they had made when the mechanic was out (See also Thromok).
As for the card, it is cool. 8 mana in three colours for a 7/5 is bad. But stapled to TWO free spells, it is practically a steal. Add in that you get haste for the 7/5 AND any creatures you may cascade into, and this is a massively swingy creature. Look at it this way, Bloodbraid Elf does less than what half of this does.
As for EDH, yes. It can be built around, but it also fits in VERY nicely with Animar's BlueRedGreen Elementals. Plus, you cast this creature and then the two you cascade into. So, from just an Animar, you can easily put your entire hand onto the board, cascade at least twice, then attack with all creatures in your hand and the cascaded ones AND beefier Animar. Expect to see this guy.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (5/31/2012 5:20:42 PM)


Then do it again!
Posted By: Jake1991 (5/31/2012 6:10:44 PM)


I've been deciding whether or not to comment on this for days, but I feel like this just has to be said.

I hate this card.

No, not because I lost to it on several occasions (because I have). The problem I have with this card is that there's hardly ANY coming back from it. It stops games almost immediately after it hits the field. I'm the kind of player who doesn't play magic for "infinite combos", "Huge Creatures", or "Expensive decks that win immediately". I play because the game takes a lot of thought and consideration when choosing who to swing with, and who to leave blocking. Which mana to tap, and which to leave open. When the best time is to drop the card you've been holding since the beginning of the game. I LOVE the thinking aspect in it, and I'm having the MOST fun when there's a war going on.

I have four creatures. My opponent has five. We're playing all our combat tricks here, and soon we'll be top-decking. It comes down to who is smarter about who their attackers ... (see all)
Posted By: StreamHopper (6/10/2012 12:33:02 AM)


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