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Add this to my growing list of 'Riku of Two Reflections + Doubling Season + Mirror Gallery + you get the point -_-' cards....

Seriously...Infinite Universes of Madness MIGHT be a Commander-Tier deck 0.O

However: Vorthos says FAIL, WIZARDS, FAIL! for not including any lore on Vela, Krond, Wanderer, or Thromok in the INSERTS!

Posted By: DarthParallax (6/5/2012 4:20:01 AM)


Feels like they dropped the ball with this guy. Maelstrom critter that isn't WUBRG? Wizards, I am disappoint.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (6/29/2012 6:12:53 PM)


so in edh what are the 2 best creatures to come out of Maelstrom's cascades? I think the best situation is that you cascade into a hamelback goliath and then into a clone copying hamelback goliath.

the first one will come into play as a 6/6. The cloned one will come into play as a 6/6 and the first one will be a 12/12. Then Maelstrom Wanderer will come in and make the first Goliath a 19/19 and the second one a 13/13. Altogether you will have 39 points of power originally from 1 creature. You won't quite be able to one shot someone, but it'll be damned close. So is there anything better?

This guy look like fun. Someday I will make a deck with this guy at the helm.
Posted By: alblast (6/11/2012 3:23:54 PM)


Quicksilver Amulet....that's all I have to say
Posted By: Pheso (6/4/2012 9:57:16 PM)


Just another one of these ugly fatties which are just completely overpowered and make hundrets of other really nice generals totally redundant in this game.

Especially love it when people play this in "casual" EDH games, mass ramp and hit you with this together with another ugly fattie (or perhaps even a third one!) on turn 3 or 4, and probably also kick you as soon as you play anything infinite. Hate this card.
Posted By: Sootoo (3/21/2013 8:18:44 AM)


Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (6/1/2012 8:12:57 AM)


First of all get the Planechse cards properly linked and formated!

Second is an inquiry: If I use Natural Order and search for this card does it Cascade
Posted By: Damia (6/6/2012 12:57:07 PM)


I'm surprised no one has talked much about the fact that this thing costs 8. With cascade. This card is the proper color to do things like ponder, or brainstorm, or top, and cascade into not one, but two somethings that can be truly terrifying. Hell, you can do some weird 4 or 5 color thing and cascade straight into Cruel Ultimatum. Brrr.
Posted By: Ghostyman (6/6/2012 7:53:25 PM)


@ Damia

No. Casting Natural Order to cheat out a creature with Cascade, or any other effect that says "When you cast..." (i.e. Artisan of Kozilek) won't trigger that card's ability. A spell is only considered "cast" when you spend it's mana cost to actually cast it from your hand. However, if you use Natural Order to put a creature with an "Enters the battlefield" - effect into play, that ability will trigger.
Hope that helps :)
Posted By: Whales (6/10/2012 8:26:46 AM)


@ StreamHopper

You sound mad.

Just run Mindbreak trap. GG
Posted By: Havens (6/15/2012 11:40:14 PM)


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