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And for that reason this card will never see standard play. And probably not in draft for that matter. If you've got 6 mana to spare on 2x +1/+1 counters, you just need to get something else to play as an active. This is like that creature that regenerates for (6)(G)... Just, why?
Posted By: Vakyoom (9/25/2012 10:53:42 PM)


2/5. A 2/2 for 2 is average. Its scavenge cost puts this card below average.
Posted By: chrome_dome (1/14/2013 6:11:12 AM)


Incredible art.
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (9/27/2012 9:29:42 PM)


The only reason I can think of for why Golgari got shafted so badly with their mechanic is because they got Vraska, and even that's a pretty big stretch.

Nothing else seems to explain why they'd make a seemingly awesome ability into a useless one by making you spend the cost of a great fatty to give a creature a minor P/T boost.
Posted By: Diachronos (10/6/2012 1:00:13 AM)


I don't think WotC are through with Scavenge yet. Later sets just might bring out some relief on the mostly heavy mana cost of the ability. I thought about an example:

2 B/G

You don't have to pay the colorless mana of Scavenge abilities.

"You've been preserved."

Though green has ways to ramp mana fast, paying six mana for two +1/+1 seems a bit steep, even considering the rarity system of cards. Scavenge fits with Dredge and that's the way I'm going to use it when I start building my next Golgari deck, but left on it's own it feels a bit... hard sometimes.

Or then they could just release more stuff like Corpsejack Menace.
Posted By: AshToMoutHound (11/26/2012 2:12:26 AM)


Deadbridge Goliath's smaller cousin in nearly every aspect.

The Scavenge is the same cost, the cost is exactly half, and they're both insects. I mean, there aren't many insects in magic. Deadbridge is just slightly better with an extra +1/+1 than double.
Posted By: Ferlord (12/12/2012 9:05:57 PM)


Scavenge is one of those mechanics that could have been so cool, but flopped. I don't know wth wizards of the coast was thinking. I mean I know you're scarred by dredge but come on, scavenge isn't annnything like that. I would have played this easily with a scavenge cost of 3 or 4. Is that too much to ask?

Also isn't scavenge supposed to be recycling? Like, as in, efficient? Golgari could have made 3 bugs for the cost it takes to reuse the carcass of one. That's retarded flavorwise. *slaps WoTC*
Posted By: Hercynian (1/18/2013 9:26:24 PM)


Well, it's a bear with a rather overpriced option. That being said, it's still a bear which is rather unimpressive (save for stuff like Mystic snake, which is probably one of the best bears you are going to get). There is very little reason to run this over Sluiceway Scorpion, Deadbridge Goliath etc. Honestly they could have made this scavenge for 3Green and it would still be mediocre.
Posted By: Drewskithelegend (3/17/2013 4:58:48 PM)


Strictly not Dredge Beelte. Still, 3/5.
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (4/28/2013 12:57:06 PM)


As an activated ability could be glod with Werewolves or Ruric Thar, the unbowed they played it safe due to Simic I think. For casual this is another option late-game when you are top-decking. Insect tribal!
Posted By: TowerDefender (6/18/2013 2:08:00 AM)


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