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Ugh, terrible memories of this card. I was playing Jund, and curved turn 3 Blightning into turn 4 Bloodbraid into something tiny. He discarded 2 Malakir Bloodwitches and did this 2 turns later, draining me for 4 life and making two flying 4/4s. Needless to say I was humped.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (10/20/2011 12:47:39 AM)


Is this card played that you only get the creatures of the type you choose, or do you get those that are in your graveyard of the types your opponents chose as well? We've always played it that you get ALL creatures of the types, but I have a reliable friend telling me that you only get the ones of your type.
Posted By: Lobster-Overlord (12/29/2011 5:38:09 PM)


The text of this card makes this pretty clear. Each player chooses a creature type. Then each player returns all creature cards of a type chosen this way from the graveyard to the battlefield. So if I choose Eldrazi and you choose Elf, I still return my Llanowar Elves to the battlefield, because Elf is "a type chosen this way".
@sarroth: You would return all the Angels AND Demons to the battlefield. Demon is a type chosen this way. Angel is a type chosen this way.
Posted By: Tynansdtm (1/8/2012 10:09:49 AM)


Seems like this could easily be broken in half if played right. Zombies come to mind.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (10/19/2012 5:44:26 PM)


This card is probably at its best in a Scion of the Ur-Dragon EDH deck.

Scion should be fetching plenty of dragons and throwing them in the graveyard. Heck, if you've got this in your hand and plenty of mana open, you can just fetch a bunch of dragons all at once, then cast this, and suddenly, your field is full of draconic death from above. Do you care that your opponents get a few dudes from their graves as well? Probably not. Maybe if someone is running Slivers, but otherwise, you get the best deal out of this one.

On closer inspection, this card's wording makes something odd happen. It says that each player returns all creature cards of "A type chosen this way", rather than just the type that player chose. Thus, if I pick Dragons, the next guy picks Humans, the next guy picks Elves, and the last guy picks Zombies, all four of us bring back anything that's a Dragon, a Human, an Elf, or a Zombie.

Scion's ruling says that he loses his copy ability when h... (see all)
Posted By: Doghealer (4/4/2013 11:17:54 AM)


Goblin bidding ftw! 4/5
Posted By: Combofriend (7/2/2013 3:22:55 PM)


I don't think this card lets you return all creatures of all types chosen by all players like Doghealer and Tynansdtm seem to be indicating. The card says each player returns all creature cards of "a type" (singular) chosen this way, not all creature cards of "all types" (plural) chosen this way. While this would leave the door open for you to return creatures of a type different than what you chose, it wouldn't let you return the all of the creature types you chose AND your opponent chose. (In other words, say you choose Dragons and your opponent chooses Elves. You start looking thru your graveyard and realize you have more elves in there than dragons. The wording on the card would let you return the elves instead of the dragons even though you didn't actually chose elves. But since the card only lets you return a single type of creature, you can't return both elves and dragons.)

This, of course, is my interpretation and I am no expert. I'd love to read other opinions on this,... (see all)
Posted By: Khardiss (12/30/2013 7:19:02 AM)


This the turn after a traumatize. Should be instant win if played right with something to give all creatures haste.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (5/21/2014 4:48:17 AM)


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