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I remember the first time I saw this card. It was just after RTR had come out, so about two or three weeks after I started playing. Peeking its head out at me in the first pack of RTR I had ever bought was this big ol' demon. I instantly thought that this guy was amazing. I mean, a 6/6 flyer for just 4 mana? There was a 5/5 for 4 mana in the same set at the same rarity, and it didn't even have trample or hexproof or anything! However, a couple of friends tried to convince me that it was a terrible card. "They can just keep it tapped down and then kill it with Tragic Slip." "Desecration Demon is just huge Murder bait." Mind you, these were people who had been playing for as long as twelve years, so you would think I'd take them at their word. Instead, I put this into my mono-black deck alongside things like Vampire Nighthawk and Knight of Infamy, thinking that it would be a good finisher.

Every single t... (see all)
Posted By: Continue (1/16/2014 1:36:20 PM)


The power/toughness on this creature is so arbitrarily high that it might as well just be 7/7 or 8/8 at the same cost, as your options for dealing with it would be no different, and you will lose just as quickly once it hits the board.

Edit: I made the comment above before anyone realized this creature was amazing in standard, and it was ranked a 0.5. I stand by this comment though. Find me a legitimate answer to this card at 4 mana that actually cares about whether this thing is 7/7 or 8/8.
Posted By: deep_shadow (1/29/2014 11:45:54 AM)


It's funny how he went from fringe playable to must-have in standard. As a casual demon collector/player I made a good $35 off of my set. I imagine he'll eventually fall out of favor and I'll go get my set again.

As said by others, I still prefer my Percy; but I love all my 4-drop 6/6s; which include Grinning Demon :)
Posted By: blurrymadness (1/29/2014 1:38:19 PM)


Absolutely amazing! Should be a mythic rare. With Heartless Summoning you get a 5/5 on round 3, with flying, and it destroys all your opponent's critters. Don't see a bad side whatsoever. I must have.
Posted By: JuzamJohn (2/13/2014 2:24:32 PM)


WTF???? How is this only a flat 4.0? Someone is trolling gatherer.
Posted By: Paleopaladin (2/18/2014 4:01:22 PM)


Got this dude as a two of in my Golgari Midrange, funny enough unless I'm dropping him t3 with Elvish Mystic I'm usually pitching him with Lotleth Troll, and scavenging onto Reaper of the Wilds with the help of Varolz.
Posted By: Osprey_93 (3/5/2014 11:58:41 AM)


The fact this card isn't banned in standard makes me want to quit magic. I haven't been playing much but this card makes all the other monoblack 4 drops seem lackluster. Like the way to play if one of your top priorities is winning is to just get 4 of him in almost any black deck.
Posted By: obesechicken13 (3/15/2014 10:02:04 AM)


great with morbid
Posted By: Wolftitan3 (3/18/2014 5:28:00 PM)


It's a good card, yes, but it's not broken. People don't even play it outside of standard. It's not broken, and it certainly shouldn't be banned.
Posted By: Lazrbeams (3/19/2014 3:25:56 PM)


As often happens, all the naysayers were proven wrong. This guy dominates.
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (3/30/2014 11:14:31 PM)


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